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Top 7 Reasons to buy a term plan with 100 years of coverage in India
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Why could term insurance with 100 years of coverage be an ideal option?

The term life insurance plans are becoming popular today because they provide several benefits for policyholders. Several factors to keep in mind while buying a new term plan from the markets. While a term plan offers coverage up to age 80 to 85 years, some companies provide plans with age 100 years of coverage. However, it is necessary to know about the term insurance features and other details before buying. This will help a lot to make the right decision when investing money in a policy.

If anyone wants to buy a new term plan, then they should consider choosing a plan that offers coverage for age 100 years. This is because it provides ways to get protection beyond 100 years from financial risks. It is imperative to know the eligibility and requirements before buying a policy.

Let us take the example of Ramesh Verma, who wants to work even after his retirement due to high commitments. Moreover, his family members are mainly dependent on him, and he wants to ensure financial stability for them after the standard retirement age of 65 years. As a result, he decided to buy a plan that provides coverage for 100 years so that his family is safe from his debts or other problems when he is not around.

Buying a term insurance plan allows policyholders to get a death benefit as well as other features. That’s why it attracts several customers as it gives ways to ensure financial stability that will help to lead a trouble-less life. But, at the same time, one should know more about the types and other features offered by a company while buying a plan.

What are the reasons to buy a term plan with 100 years of coverage?

Here are the common reasons why having a term plan with coverage for 100 years is the right option.

7 reasons to buy a term plan with 100 years of coverage

  1. When a policyholder has dependents and liabilities beyond 70 years
  2. When a policyholder keeps earning beyond 65 years
  3. Serves as a smart legacy planning strategy 
  4. Protection from death and other problems
  5. No need to pay the extra premium
  6. No need for medical tests
  7. Coverage for whole life

1. When a policyholder has dependents and liabilities beyond 70 years

A majority of people like to retire from their job by 60 or 65 years. On the other hand, some of them may face difficulties settling in life due to several factors. The average age of getting married is increasing today, and thus the parenthood also happens at a later stage compared to the average age. For example, when a person marries at 35 years, then he/she should satisfy the requirements of children after 65 years. The term insurance with coverage for 100 years is ideal for those who have more dependants and liabilities beyond 70 years. Those who are running a business can benefit a lot from the plan because it gives ways to pay off the debts and liabilities with ease.

2. When a policyholder keeps earning beyond 65 years

With medical technologies are advancing day by day, the average lifespan of a person is increasing. This will result in additional medical expenses when it comes to chronic illnesses and treatments. A person without a retirement corpus may find it hard to take care of medical costs when they become ill. Besides that, a life partner who is dependent on a policyholder also requires a coverage plan.

3. Serves as a smart legacy planning strategy 

The term insurance plans that offer coverage for 100 years serving as a smart legacy planning strategy. This is because they provide methods to leave a sizeable financial corpus for a family to ensure more protection from financial obstacles in the future. Such plans let a nominee get a return of 8-10% annually based on the premium when a policyholder passes away.

4. Protection from death and other problems

Life is unpredictable, and health complications can occur anytime, causing threats to the family of policyholders. Therefore, one should buy term insurance from a reputed company that offers protection when the earning member of a family dies suddenly. Terminal illnesses and accidents can cause permanent disability that will affect a person in many ways, and having a term plan will help overcome them without any hassles. With medical costs are increasing due to rising inflation, choosing the right type of insurance gives ways to reduce them effectively.

5. No need to pay the extra premium

Anyone who is having 100 years coverage term insurance plan can avoid paying the extra premium that will save money significantly. The premium rates will remain the same that help lower additional expenses.

6. No need for medical tests

Most insurance companies recommend that policyholders undergo medical tests when choosing a term plan with 100 years of coverage. This, in turn, gives ways to reduce expenses on tests to get peace of mind.

7. Coverage for whole life

The plan offers coverage for the entire life which doesn’t include any expiry date. It allows the beneficiaries to receive the full sum assured when a policyholder is not around. They can even pay off the debts of a policyholder to minimize potential threats.

Where to buy the term insurance plan?

New customers who want to buy a new term insurance plan should compare the various policies online. Also, they should compare the term insurance benefits in detail because they may vary from one company to another company in a location. Before choosing a plan, it is wise to read reviews and ratings of companies that will get more ideas. A buyer can also select the right company among them that tailors to the needs and budgets of a person.

Term life insurance offers several choices and flexibilities for policyholders. To get the best protection at affordable rates, policyholders should analyze their needs properly to help a lot select a suitable plan. Purchasing term insurance with coverage for 100 years provides a guaranteed life cover till the age of 99 or 100 years. In addition, the add-on features covered by the plan give ways to ensure that a family meets the essential needs in financial planning that will help accomplish goals effectively. 

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