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5 Latest Features Of Health Insurance In India In 2022
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5 Latest Features of Health Insurance In India In 2022

Lifestyle diseases are increasing day by day in India. It results in high medical costs after getting admission to a hospital. The number of Covid-19 patients is increasing day by day and most of them face difficulties in undergoing treatments because the hospital bills are very expensive. That’s why buying a health insurance plan is a wise idea because it allows a person to claim the amounts for various things that will help reduce mental worries significantly. However, it is wise to select a health insurance plan to get maximum coverage for medical expenses which gives ways to reduce the financial burden.

5 Latest Features Of Health Insurance In India In 2022

The New Year 2022 has just begun and everyone is hoping that it will bring prosperity to their life. Not only that, many insurance companies offer plans for individuals and families to focus more on their goals. At the same time, it is important to compare them with more attention to select the right one which exactly suits a person’s lifestyle. When purchasing an insurance policy in 2022, customers should know the latest features offered by the best health insurance in India.

5 Salient Features of Health Insurance worth buying in 2022

Let us have a look at some of the basic features of health insurance to consider in 2022:

1. Alternative Treatments for Health Disorders

Nowadays, insurance companies offer health plans with alternative treatment options for policyholders. Some of them include Unani, Siddha, Homeopathy, Yoga, and Naturopathy, etc. Anyone who is not satisfied with allopathic medical procedures can choose a treatment among them based on their choices. Moreover, the costs of these alternative treatments are affordable allowing a person to save more money. They are also available for COVID-19 treatments that give ways to experience the desired outcomes.

2. Free Medical Check-Ups 

Some policyholders including senior citizens visit hospitals for regular check-ups. While purchasing health insurance plans from the markets, they should check that a plan offers free medical check-ups properly. Certain insurers cover the feature to policyholders only when they haven’t made it during a policy duration. However, some of them allow coverage up to a certain amount and a policyholder can pay the remaining amount after undergoing a free medical check-up. Furthermore, a policyholder is eligible to get a tax benefit on the remaining amount.

3. Domiciliary Treatment Cover

Domiciliary treatment cover is one of the features and benefits of health insurance plans because it allows a policyholder to get treatments in his /her home. At the same time, it requires the supervision of a doctor to claim coverage for the treatment. Many insurers provide coverage for maximum days allowing a policyholder to save more money. At the same time, it is wise to know more about them that will help make the right decision. A home care treatment makes feasible ways to recover faster when compared to hospital treatment.

4. Maternity Expenses 

Maternity expense is another important feature to consider while purchasing a health insurance plan. Nowadays, several companies offer coverage for pre and post-pregnancy expenses enabling women to ensure peace of mind from unwanted complications. They even provide additional benefits for three months after giving birth to a baby. Apart from that, some insurance plans offer coverage for vaccinations and other things that will help reduce the financial burden. At the same time, a policyholder should know the terms and conditions while claiming maternity coverage.

5. OPD and Day-Care Expenses 

A policy buyer should consider the OPD and day-care features of a health insurance policy with more attention. This is because some insurers don’t provide coverage for out-patient department (OPD) expenses. A day-care requires a minimum hospitalization of 24 hours for certain conditions. The OPD coverage is available only from certain insurance companies that too with restrictions and capping. Therefore, it is wise to check the same with more attention that will help a lot to make the right decision.

Many insurance plans have sub-limits on the coverage process and a policy buyer should evaluate them carefully. Not only that, it is wise to choose a plan that comes with lifetime renewability. This, in turn, gives ways to get coverage up to 65 years by satisfying the needs of a policyholder. Buying the best health insurance plan allows a policyholder to ensure more protection from financial crunches in life.

Things to follow while buying a Health Insurance Plan

Customers should compare the features of health insurance in India online and from other sources. Apart from that, they should keep certain things in mind that will help move further. Some of them include age, sum insured, duration, and premiums which give ways to gain more advantages.

Things to follow while buying a Health Insurance Plan

It is important to compare the plans online before investing money. Most insurers offer free quotes for policy buyers and they can select a plan which caters to their needs. They even show ways to know more about the features with the customer care team while buying a policy.

Why is Health Insurance necessary for everyone?

The medical expenses are increasing day by day and not everyone can afford them unless they don’t have enough savings. Buying a health insurance plan offers solutions for them that will help minimize unwanted problems. Another thing is that it gives methods to safeguard a family from the financial burden by addressing the exact needs. Buying health insurance involves several things including features and customers should evaluate them properly.

The Conclusion

Medical inflation can impact hospital expenses at different stages and one should know how to reduce them effectively. A health insurance plan is the only way to lower medical expenditure because it comes with various features. Besides understanding the features of health insurance plans, one should get ideas from experts and others while purchasing a plan. He/she should also read the terms and conditions when buying a plan online to avoid disputes in the coverage process.

Selecting health insurance with the best features will always help get high-quality treatments in a hospital. Besides that, it provides methods to claim amounts for expenses without any difficulties. Most insurers aim at catering to the needs of customers when they want to buy a policy that exactly fits their lifestyle and costs.

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