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Are Omicron Cases Covered Under Health Insurance Policies
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Are Omicron Cases Covered Under Health Insurance Policies?

The impact of COVID-19 is not over, as it has made a comeback in the new form called the Omicron variant. It was first discovered in South Africa in the mid of December 2021, which later spread to other nations. With the number of Omicron cases increasing day by day, it becomes very difficult to manage the treatment costs in a hospital. Therefore, one should consider buying a health insurance plan to get protection from the Omicron virus. However, he/she should make sure that whether it offers coverage for COVID-19 or not in detail. This will help a lot to make the right decision while buying a new plan.

Are Omicron Cases Covered Under Health Insurance Policies

The IRDAI recently announced that health insurance policies that provide coverage for COVID-19 will also cover expenses for Omicron. This, in turn, gives ways to manage medical costs after getting admitted into a network hospital, as your existing plan will offer health insurance for omicron treatment. When choosing a health insurance plan in the markets, it is wise to make a detailed study about insurance companies from different sources. The network hospitals will offer cashless treatment to policyholders when they want to save more money. Furthermore, health insurance plans for Omicron will make it feasible to receive the best treatment for Omicron in a hospital without any financial constraints.

What is Coronavirus Health Insurance Policy?

The COVID-19 insurance plans cover all the expenses incurred on the treatment enabling a policyholder to manage his/her financial burden significantly. It provides coverage for the hospitalization after testing positive in a government-approved diagnostic center.

What is Coronavirus Health Insurance Policy

Having comprehensive coverage lets a policyholder claim amounts for pre & post-hospitalization expenses with ease.

Understanding the 6 Features of COVID-19 Insurance Plans

1. AYUSH Treatment 

AYUSH treatment is a new feature included in COVID insurance policies allowing a policyholder to choose a procedure other than allopathy. A person can pick Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy treatment under this feature for COVID-19 symptoms.

2. Hospitalization Costs 

The COVID insurance policies provide hospitalization costs for policyholders after getting admission into a hospital. Some of them include room rent, boarding costs, nursing charges, ventilator expenses, surgical appliances, medicines, drugs, etc.

3. Domiciliary Treatment Costs

The policy offers coverage for domiciliary treatment costs under the supervision of a doctor for a maximum of 14 days. It is ideal for those who are not able to get treatment in a hospital due to the non-availability of rooms and other factors.

4. Consumables 

The costs of consumables are very expensive and a health insurance cover for omicron offers coverage for them. Some of them include PPE kits, oxygen, gloves, masks, and other things. Apart from that, the plan provides coverage for reducing costs significantly to ensure peace of mind.

5. Ambulance Coverage

COVID-19 patients need immediate hospitalization and one should arrange an ambulance for this purpose. Having the best health plans for omicron will help get coverage for ambulance expenses during emergencies.

6. Coverage for Comorbid Conditions 

A COVID-19 health insurance plan provides coverage for other pre-existing illnesses along with coronavirus treatment. It allows a policyholder to claim the amount for the comorbid conditions that will help restore them to a large extent.

What is not covered in COVID-19 Insurance Plan?

Now, have a look at what all barred under health insurance for COVID-19:

  • The plan doesn’t offer coverage for less than 24-hour hospitalization costs and some plans require 72-hours hospitalization
  • It is not possible to claim amounts during the waiting period
  • Those who undergo treatments outside India are not eligible to apply for this plan
  • A policyholder doesn’t get coverage for unprescribed medicines after buying a policy
  • The policy won’t compensate a policy if he/she has traveled to any of the countries restricted by the government
  • Policyholders don’t get coverage for other medical treatments not mentioned in the policy document


How to Buy the Best Coronavirus Plans?

Those who want to buy health insurance for COVID-19 plans should compare them online which will help select the best one depending on their needs. New policy buyers should follow the below steps to meet the exact needs:

Here are the 3 simple steps to buy best Coronavirus Health Insurance Plans as mentioned below:-

  • Step 1: A policy buyer should visit the official website of an insurance company to know more about the details. There is no need to submit any documents or papers while buying a plan online.
  • Step 2: One should enter important details such as age, sum insured, and tenure to determine the premium amount. This, in turn, gives ways to select a plan which caters to the requirements of a policyholder.
  • Step 3: Policyholders can pay the premium rates online and they will receive the policy documents instantly to their mail address.


Types of Coronavirus Policies Available in India

Anyone who wants to buy health insurance cover for omicron should understand the types from different sources. This is because most insurers offer plans at affordable rates which satisfy the requirements of insured persons. Some of them include the Corona Kavach policy, and Corona Rakshak policy that aims at fulfilling the expectations of customers.

Types of Coronavirus Policies Available in India

The sum insured amount of the Corona Kavach plan starts from Rs.50000 and goes up to Rs.5 lakhs. On the other hand, Corona Rakshak’s policy offers a sum insured amount ranging from Rs.2.5 lakhs to Rs.5 lakhs. Anyone who is in the age group between 18-65 years can buy both plans to get an omicron cover that suits their lifestyle. The premium prices are affordable and a policyholder can benefit a lot from both plans. Selecting the best health plan for omicron provides ways to ensure more protection from high medical expenses and other things to ensure peace of mind.

The Conclusion

Buying health insurance policies for omicron allows a person to overcome medical costs during emergencies. At the same time, they need proper research that will help claim the amounts as soon as possible. This, in turn, provides ways to move further when it comes to coverage and other claims. A COVID-19 health insurance plan makes feasible methods to gain more advantages when it comes to hospital treatments. Besides that, it allows an insured person to safeguard his/her family from potential threats. Not all insurance companies offer COVID-19 plans for consumers and they should compare them online that will help invest money based on their choices.

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