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Advantages of opting Motor Insurance from General Insurance

Overview of General Motor Insurance

General motor cars in India require insurance. You cannot drive any vehicle in the country without insuring it first. There are many general motors car insurance companies in India that offer excellent vehicle insurance plans. You can get any one of these car insurance policies and keep your four-wheeler protected. Take a look at this article to know more about the benefits of motor insurance and why you should get a good plan from a good general insurance company.

Top 10 Benefits of General Motor Insurance Plan


  • Large variety

Motor insurance is available in a large variety. You can get third party plans or comprehensive plans. In the former, only the basic third party damages are covered. This is a compulsory form of motor insurance that every vehicle owner must get. The other type of plan available to you is the comprehensive car insurance cover. Here, all the third party damages are covered and along with that, coverage is also available for your own vehicle. This is a beneficial form of general motor insurance as it helps you to get a wholesome and very well-rounded cover. Then, motor insurance is available for different time periods and this is how it is more variable too. You can get a regular cover of one year or a long-term cover of two or three years. Choose the most suitable type of motor insurance as per your needs and get many benefits.

  • Affordable

Motor insurance in India is very affordable. This is one of the biggest advantages of policies that offer motor insurance coverage in India. You can get a third party liability motor insurance plan for just a few hundred rupees. Even the comprehensive plans, which are slightly more expensive, are very affordable. The kind of coverage you get for the premium you pay is very high. This is another impressive advantage of opting for motor insurance from the general insurance companies in India.

  • Riders Available

Riders are add-on covers that are available along with comprehensive general motor insurance plans. They are extra covers that help you to increase the scope of the overall motor insurance plan. The riders include covers such as the engine protection rider, the zero depreciation rider, the personal accident cover, etc. You need to read the clauses associated with each rider, weigh them against your needs and then select the riders that are of optimal use to you. An important point to remember here is that the riders are available at an extra cost. Every rider you buy makes the motor insurance policy more expensive. This is precisely why you should choose very carefully and get only the ones you need.

  • Covers third party Damages

There are many third-party expenses that you can incur if you happen to injure a third party or damage his vehicle in an accident. These include vehicle repair expenses, medical expenses, and even legal expenses if the third party drags you to court. You need to stay protected against these costs. To do so, all you have to have is a third-party car insurance cover. These covers are inexpensive and widely available. Opt for the third-party plans and get a lot of benefits out of the cover.

  • Covers own damages

The comprehensive motor insurance plans cover damages sustained to your own vehicle while they keep the third party damages covered too. This is a huge benefit of getting a motor insurance plan. Your vehicle is very precious to you. This is why you need to cover it with the best possible motor insurance policy. You get cover for damages to the body of the car. Then, if the car gets damaged due to fire or stolen, you will get full compensation. Additionally, you also get medical coverage for the people who get injured in an accident. These are some of the best benefits of the comprehensive motor insurance plans sold by general insurance companies.

  • Available Online

If you ask what are the advantages of insurance, you will be happy to know that one of the biggest advantages lies in its online status. Among the many benefits of an online insurance policy is the cost factor. Online plans are much cheaper than offline plans. Then, you get the option to compare and find the best policy. These features make online car insurance plans very beneficial.

  • Covers Natural Disasters

It is very common to see your car get damaged following a flood. Also, tornadoes and earthquakes can badly hurt your car. When you have a car insurance plan in place, you can claim for damages following a natural disaster.

  • Covers man-made Disasters

If your car is caught in a riot, there will be a lot of damage to the vehicle. From broken glasses to dents and scratches, an angry mob can be quite ruthless on a car! If you become the victim of any such manmade disaster, you can make a claim on your car insurance policy and receive compensation for the damages.

  • No Claim Bonus

Another beneficial reason to get car insurance is the feature of the no claim bonus. As per the rules, if you do not make any claim in the entire policy period, you can get a discount on the premium of the policy for the next year. This accumulates every year and the discount can go up to 50%.

  • Easy to Buy

Last but not the least, you get your car insurance plan in a quick and convenient manner. Since the plans are available online, you can go online and get the policy with just the click of a few buttons. This makes it extremely convenient and simple for you to own a good motor insurance plan from a good general insurance company.

Keeping these benefits in mind, it can surely be said that the good car insurance plans in India help you to keep your vehicle and yourself protected in many ways.

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