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Royal Sundaram is one of the leading motor insurance companies in India. It has different types of car and bike insurance plans available. The Royal Sundaram vehicle insurance plans are wholesome, affordable, and very easy to get. Take a look at this article to know more about the importance of motor insurance and why a Royal Sundaram insurance plan can be of use to you.

How to Find Best Royal Sundaram Motor Insurance Policy


1. Assess your Needs

It is always wise for you to assess your needs before you start shopping for the best motor insurance plan. As is a well-known fact, getting a car or a bike insurance plan as per your specific needs is a crucial task. Decide the type of cover you need. In India, motor insurance is broadly divided into two categories – third party and comprehensive. The type of plan you need would depend on the type and age of your vehicle. Understand the covers and choose wisely. Also, decide upon the coverage amount, the duration of the plan, etc. Once you assess your needs and know exactly what you need, it becomes a lot easier for you to get the best e-motor Royal Sundaram policy.

2. Make a Budget

Next, you need to make a budget. It is important for you to allocate some funds towards your vehicle insurance costs. The Royal Sundaram insurance plans are available in various price ranges. The cost depends upon the scope of coverage. While you would want a high h wholesome cover, you have to be very cautious about the premium of the policy you buy. If the premium is high, it will soon become a liability for you and you will struggle to make the regular payments. This is why you need to make a budget and stick to it when you look to buy a Royal Sundaram motor insurance plan.

3. Decide upon Riders

Riders are important additions to your vehicle insurance plan. Whether you get a Royal Sundaram two wheeler insurance plan or a Royal Sundaram car insurance plan, you should definitely look to get some add-on covers along with the policy. The common motor insurance riders include the engine cover rider, the zero depreciation rider and the roadside assistance rider. The riders are extra covers so you need to pay an added premium for them. This is why you should choose carefully and only get the riders that are of most use to you and your vehicle. Every vehicle owner doesn’t require every single rider, so compare the covers and choose the best ones for yourself.

4. Look for long Term Covers

Royal Sundaram has long term vehicle insurance plans too. You can buy these covers for durations of two or three years. It is a good idea to get a long term plan as you save money and stay covered in an uninterrupted manner. So when you look to get a car or bike insurance cover from Royal Sundaram, explore the long term plans as well.

5. Buy Online

This is the digital age. We buy everything from groceries to insurance plans online. If you are still buying insurance offline, this is the right time to make a switch! Royal Sundaram has some excellent online car and bike insurance plans. These plans are much cheaper than offline plans. Also, since you buy directly from the insurance provider’s website, there is no insurance agent involved in the process. Not only does this help you to get the best rates, but you also get to make a fair and unbiased judgment when selecting the best motor insurance plan. Then, when you buy online, you get to use many tools such as the premium calculator. You also get to compare the plans and this proves to be highly beneficial.

6. Understand the Renewal Process

The Royal Sundaram insurance renewal process is quite simple and straightforward for both the two wheeler insurance as well as four-wheeler insurance plans. You can renew the policy online in an easy manner. However, though simple, you still need to understand and be aware of the correct steps involved in renewing the insurance plan. This will help you to get the renewal done in a quick and smooth manner and avoid your policy from lapsing. It is very important to renew motor insurance on time as a lapsed policy can be very dangerous for you and your vehicle.

7. Read the fine Print

Royal Sundaram is a trusted name in the general insurance sector in India. They are ethical and are lucid in their documentation. However, as the customer, the onus lies in you reading the fine print on the brochure and the policy wordings before you sign on the dotted lines. You need to understand the company’s clauses, terms, and conditions. You also need to be well-aware of the exclusions, premium liabilities, etc. Do not be in a hurry when you buy motor insurance. Take your time and choose the right plan that has the most favorable clauses. Doing so will help you in the long run.

Royal Sundaram is a very reliable provider of motor insurance in India. It is an excellent insurance company with some very good plans on offer.

The final word

Whether you decide to get a Royal Sundaram two-wheeler insurance plan or a Royal Sundaram car insurance plan, you will surely have an excellent cover with you. The company is known for its good claim settlement record. This apart, Royal Sundaram also has a very good and competent customer support team. If you ever have a doubt or query regarding your policy, you can call up customer support and get the issue sorted. These factors make Royal Sundaram General Insurance one of the leading vehicle insurance companies in India. Go online, explore the plans and then choose the best Royal Sundaram vehicle insurance plan as per your needs and keep yourself and your vehicle suitably protected.

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