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International Women's Day 2022: Importance of Health Insurance for Women
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International Women’s Day 2022: Why Women Cannot Ignore Health Insurance?

These days, women are achieving a plethora of things, and they even outlast men in many cases. But unfortunately, they didn’t get their desired respect, honor, and recognition. Though nowadays, “The International Women’s Day” is celebrated on 8th March every year in different parts of the world ostentatiously to offer women’s equal rights, respect, and honor, still, in many cases, their health is neglected. Women are more vulnerable to various diseases and need hospitalization for their ailments/injuries.

On this Women’s Day 2022, you may gift your mother, sister, girlfriend, or wife a flower bouquet, chocolates, handicraft items, or life-sized teddy bears, but try to give them a gift that adds value to their lives. And nothing can be better than a health insurance policy that will take care of their healthcare needs.

Most Indian mothers used to suffer from knee pain after a certain age, but they are not willing to visit an orthopedic, thinking that specialists are affluent. A young wife may also suffer from menstruation problems but doesn’t prefer to visit a gynecologist for fear of facing bigger problems. But with health insurance plans, now you can convenience the women of your house to avail themselves of the required treatment of their ailments without worrying about finances.

Benefits of Health Insurance Plans for Women

These days, many insurance companies are offering health insurance policies that are specially designed to cater to the healthcare needs of women. A health insurance policy for women usually offers the below-mentioned covers:

  • Critical Illness Cover:  A woman’s health insurance plan offers coverage for different types of cancer including, ovarian cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer, etc., and other critical health issues.
  • Maternity Coverage:  An ideal women’s insurance policy must include both types of childbirth procedures – Normal and C-section delivery.
  • Coverage for Auto-Immune Diseases: Always purchase a health insurance policy that offers coverage for Rheumatoid Arthritis (common in women aged 60 and above), Psoriasis, Psoriatic Arthritis, etc.
  • Coverage for Heart and Blood Pressure-related ailments: These medical issues are prominent among women when they reach menopause. So, go for a health insurance policy that offers related coverage.
  • Loss of Job Cover: Most women lose their jobs due to pregnancy and childbirth. A health insurance plan that offers job loss cover can alleviate the financial crisis under these situations.
  • Domiciliary Expenses Coverage: These are expenditures related to healthcare treatment that can be done at your home.
  • Post-Hospitalization Expenses: Sometimes after surgeries, a patient needs to do follow-up check-ups for her treatment. These types of check-ups are costlier and you need to spend a lot from your pocket. But health insurance coverage will lessen the chances of a financial loss.


Importance of Health Insurance for Women

A health insurance policy is necessary for everyone, irrespective of their gender or age. This adds a little more value for a woman because of the below-mentioned reasons. Surprise all women of your household with health insurance on this International women’s day 2022.

  1. Women Avoid Medical Treatment: Indian women have a stigma that home remedies are more effective and all their ailments can be treated without the involvement of a doctor. They don’t need any professional advice until things go beyond their control. Thus, it’s your core responsibility to convince all women of your house that health insurance will take care of all their healthcare expenses. So, they should go for the best treatment for their illnesses.
  2. Woman’s Mental State: The mental state of a woman plays a pivotal role in her health. Stress, low self-esteem, anxiety, work or family pressure, etc. are the things that are responsible for various health issues of women. If these things are ignored, then they may impact the quality of life negatively. Thus, the right medical attention is needed to prevent all, and a health insurance policy will help you to deal with all these factors.
  3. The Rising Cost of Women’s Specific Diseases: Medical inflation is rising day by day and it’s impacting the cost of healthcare treatment. Women’s specific diseases may require detailed investigation and prolonged treatment procedures. All these will be covered under a comprehensive health insurance policy.
  4. Job Roles Demanding Fitness: It’s very difficult for a working woman to manage both the household and a full-time job. The situation becomes worse after childbirth or pregnancy. These days, many health insurance policies offer wellness programs and a health tracker so that every woman can track her health conditions. 
  5. The High Mortality Rate of Women: The mortality rate is on the higher side for women. So, every woman should opt for the right treatment procedures, along with a comprehensive health insurance policy to minimize the mortality risk.


Now, we hope you understand the importance of health insurance for women.

Why You Should Buy a Health Insurance Plan Early?

When you are young, purchase a health insurance policy. This is because your premium will be on the lower side if you purchase an early health insurance policy. So, you can enjoy high coverage at a lower premium rate. If you purchase a policy later, the premium will be higher because you will be susceptible to more health risks with your age. These days, girls around 15 years old are suffering from various health conditions like thyroid, hormonal imbalance, irregular menstruation cycle, etc. Moreover, most health insurance policies come up with a waiting period of around 2-5 years for pre-existing illnesses. Thus, purchase a health insurance policy when you are young.

Check Additional Services of Health Insurance

Apart from all the benefits of the health insurance plans for women, many health insurers provide free healthcare check-ups and various add-on covers that are essential for women who are suffering from specific illnesses.

The Conclusion

Don’t just celebrate Women’s Day 2022 on 8th March, rather this is the time when you need to appreciate and support all the women in your life. Gift them a health insurance plan that will not only boost up their self-esteem but also will help them realize that they are also important and valuable in your life.

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