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5 Best Long Term Financial Gift Ideas for Women in Your Life in 2022
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Top 5 Long Term Financial Gift Ideas for Women on Valentine’s Day 2022

Suresh and Namita have been married for the past three years. Though Suresh works in an MNC, Namita is a housewife. Every year Suresh used to gift her wife on the occasion of Valentine’s Day. But this year, he is planning to gift her something unique that can make her financially strong and resilient. Suresh is searching for some exclusive and long-term gift ideas that he can give his wife this upcoming Valentine’s Day 2022.

Valentine’s day is approaching and plenty of gift ideas have been roaming across online portals. Rather than giving some common gift items like a teddy bear, chocolates, bouquets, etc., this time you should consider something that can be useful for her. This time, give her something that will be useful in a time of uncertainty. Here we are going to discuss a few options that could help you to strengthen the financial security of your loved ones this Valentine week. Start investing in these plans to show how much you care for your valentine.

List of 5 Long Term Financial Gift Ideas for Women on Valentine’s Day 2022

Buy A Life Insurance Policy

Though death is the most unpleasant event, still you can’t overlook it. Death is a harsh reality. When a person dies, a life insurance policy offers financial support and assistance to the remaining family members.

If you want to gift something unique this Valentine’s Day, then purchase a life insurance policy in your name, and then include your spouse’s name as the nominee of this policy. A life insurance policy offers a guaranteed death benefit when a policyholder dies. But first, you need to understand how different life insurance policies work.

  • A term insurance policy could be the best life insurance policy as it is less expensive than other life insurance policies. But the risk is that you need to outlive this policy.
  • A whole life insurance policy is permanent and offers coverage for your entire life, as long as you pay the premiums. But these policies are more expensive.

Before investing in a life insurance plan, check all the options and compare various policies. Then choose the most effective one as per your needs and requirements.

Health Insurance

If you want to surprise your wife with the best gifts on this Valentine’s Day, then purchase a woman health insurance policy. Women may face various health issues like heart disease, thyroid problems, blood pressure, pregnancy complications, menstruation problems, menopause, etc. with their age. This is the best time to secure your valentine’s health with a comprehensive health insurance plan. A health insurance policy for women offers various coverage, including critical illness cover, maternity cover, auto-immune disease cover, domiciliary expenses, and post-hospitalization expenditures. Women usually ignore their health issues due to their commitments towards the family and children. They hardly visit doctors for their health issues. It is your responsibility to take care of your spouse’s health and by purchasing a health insurance policy for her, you can fulfill your responsibility. These days, the markets are flooded with different health insurance plans that offer basic coverage along with some add-ons like free health check-ups and many more. So, choose the best health insurance plans for your loved one that offer the utmost health insurance coverage.

Invest In Their Future

Rather than giving expensive jewelry or another exorbitant gift, invest in your loved one’s future on this V-Day. You may give her a handful of cash as an investment to help her start a business. You don’t need to spend extensively on this gift. This small amount will help her to create an astonishing website, design business cards, or apply for a business license. This will help her to become financially independent in the future.

Sometimes, your partner may want to join a class to explore more career opportunities or want to strengthen her skill, so offer to pay for this course. This may help her to not take a loan to pursue her career goals.

Invest In Share Markets

Share markets are ruling over the past few years and people are earning a lot by investing in good shares. There is no better time than this V-day to invest in some good shares in the name of your partner. You may purchase shares from the brand that your spouse loves the most. This will make her happier and joyous. This V-day is the most ideal time to start the investment journey together.

A Gift of Credit

By adding your spouse as an authorized user of your credit card, you may help her establish her credit. Though as a primary user, you will be responsible for all the charges for the account, your wife can also use your account to fulfill her wishes.

These are some financial tips/ideas that you can give your woman this Valentine’s Day 2022.

The Conclusion

V-Day is not only about chocolates or teddies or a mushy candlelight dinner when you spend some quality time together. Use this day as an opportunity and strengthen the financial security of your woman. Be equal partners in financial management and discuss your assets and liabilities with your wife. You both can seek an appointment with a professional financial planner and build up a wise financial strategy for the future. Having understood Valentine’s Day’s gift importance of health insurance, ensure to plan a wise investment strategy together.

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