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How To Avail Free Medical Check-Ups Under Your Health Cover?

Swapnil purchased a health insurance policy at the beginning of his career to protecting himself against various diseases and medical inflation. Though Swapnil renewed his policy in time to enjoy the continuous benefits of the policy, he doesn’t know about the free medical check-ups that his policy offers after every four years. As a result, he can’t avail of free medical check-up facilities. Many other policyholders are not aware of this facility just like Swapnil. And most interestingly, according to the experts, only 25-30% of policyholders go for free health check-ups.

free health check-ups

The prime reason is that many people don’t know about this benefit and others fear that it might enhance their premiums if their test results come positive. But this is not true and undergoing a routine check-up is beneficial for the health of policyholders and also simplifies the health insurance procedure. Online health check-up also determines any underlying health condition of a policyholder.

Frequency of Health Check-Ups

The numbers of free regular health check-ups are not the same for individual and family floater plans. This may vary from one insurer to another insurer. Some health insurers also offer free annual health check-ups even if you raised a claim for your policy. Depending on the type of health insurance plans, all policyholders of Niva Bupa health insurance are eligible for free medical check-ups every year or every alternate year. If you are diagnosed with any ailments/diseases, the insurance company will not increase your premium amount. Most health insurance plans offer free medical check-ups every 2 years or 4 years based on the purchased plans of policyholders.

List of Medical Tests

In your policy wording, the lists of tests are mentioned for which you are eligible for free medical check-ups. Most health insurance plans are used to bear expenses for the below-mentioned tests.

  • Fasting blood sugar
  • Lipid profile
  • Chest X-ray
  • CBC (Complete Blood Count)
  • Urine Routine


The list may vary from one company to another.

You also need to remember that the coverage limit for free medical check-ups depends on the sum insured of your policy. If you opt for a higher sum insured policy, your free medical check-up limit will also be increased.

The medical check-up limit for a policy of Rs. 20 lakh will be higher as compared to a policy of Rs. 5 lakh.

How to Get a Free Medical Check-up from the Insurance Company?

Most health insurers don’t charge an additional premium from policyholders if their test reports are not satisfactory. Health tests are only required for underwriting purposes during the time of policy renewal if the policyholder wants to enhance the sum insured. These tests don’t have any relation to the premiums but will only inspire policyholders to acquire more information about their health. Here are some ways to get a medical check-up from the insurer.

Get in Touch with the Insurer and Learn More About Health Checkups

To schedule your health check-up, you should contact the nearest branch of your insurance company or through its dedicated customer care number. The insurer will verify all the details and will get back to you with the date, time, and location of the health check-up test. You will get an authorized letter from the insurance company that you need to submit to the diagnostic center, along with the health card.

Get in Touch with the Insurer and Learn More About Health Checkups

An insured person should choose a network hospital of the insurance company for his/her medical tests. If the person opts for a network hospital, he doesn’t need to pay anything from his side. All expenses will be covered by the insurance company. If the policyholder selects a hospital as per his choice, then the cost of the tests will be reimbursed by the insurance company.

Check the List and the Cost of the Medical Tests

A policyholder must go through the policy documents carefully to understand the percentage of the expense that will be paid off by the insurance company for the medical checkups. Some insurance providers mention the tests, whereas others specify the cost. The list of medical tests may not be the same for all insurance companies. The complete blood profile, blood sugar levels, urine test, cholesterol check, ECG, etc., are common full body check-up tests lists for all insurance providers.

The Relevance of Medical Tests for Claim-Free Years

As per the policy terms of the health insurance company, the facility of medical tests will be available only after the completion of claim-free years. This can vary between 4 to 5 years. But some health insurance companies embrace their customers with this benefit every year as well.

Now, you came to know that free medical tests won’t impact your policy premium, thus never discard these tests. So, don’t waste your time, rather get in touch with your insurance company to avail of free health check-ups for yourself and your family.

The Bottom Line

Since you have an adequate idea regarding the benefits of health insurance with free medical check-ups, hence you can easily book it at your convenience. The insurance company will not only compensate for the costs of the tests but also helps you to know more about your health. Early detection will help you to take quick remedial procedures to combat your diseases.

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