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Top 10 Benefits Of Student Health Insurance Plans In India
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Top 10 Benefits Of Student Health Insurance Plans In India

Every year, many Indian students enroll themselves in various foreign universities to make a scintillating career. They used to emigrate to these foreign countries with a lot of ambition. At the same time, parents are also worried about their children’s careers as well as safety. Health is a prime concern for everyone and one should adopt all possible steps to strengthen the well-being of his/her family. Student health insurance is mandatory when pupils are planning for higher studies in foreign countries. A healthcare emergency can happen to anyone without any notice. So, to deal with medical contingencies student medical insurance plans are a prerequisite for everyone. Medical insurance for college students will lessen the financial burden of a family and also, helps them to lead a stress-free life.

Many students often pay hefty premiums for health insurance in countries where they are planning for higher studies. This is because they aren’t aware of the availability of cheaper health insurance plans in India. Student health insurance plans are much cheaper (almost one-third) in India. Moreover, these plans also offer comprehensive coverage to the students. These types of health insurance plans offer coverage for various medical and non-medical expenses incurred by students while staying in foreign countries.

Benefits of Health Insurance Plans for Students

Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of health insurance in India.

1. Cover for all Healthcare Expenses

If a student meets any health emergency while staying in a foreign country, he/she doesn’t need to bother with hospitalization charges. The policy will cover a plethora of healthcare expenses including in-patient care, OPD treatment, dental injuries, coverage for pre-existing diseases in case of life-threatening conditions, and many more. The policy provides coverage for

  • Emergency healthcare evacuation
  • Accidental death
  • Permanent total disablement
  • Permanent partial disablement
  • Repatriation of mortal remains


2. Cashless Treatment

Under a healthcare emergency, this could be a stressful experience to apply for reimbursement for all hospital expenses. But a student health insurance plan encourages cashless treatment facilities. This means a student can enjoy the benefits of cashless facilities at network hospitals without worrying about finances. They don’t need to pay anything from their pockets if they have been diagnosed with any illnesses or met with an accident. The insurance plans also offer dental expenses and doctor consultation fees. According to the policy terms and conditions, all healthcare expenses will be settled on a cashless basis.

3. Coverage for Non-Medical Expenses

One of the prime aspects of student insurance is that it offers coverage for all non-medical expenses. These types of expenses are loss of imperative documents like passport, international driving license, loss/delay of checked-in baggage, and emergency travel expenses. Sometimes, you may need to travel to the physician or hospital for your treatment. Student health insurance plans reimburse the traveling cost that you may incur for reaching the hospital/healthcare center. The plan also covers ambulance charges in case you need an emergency hospitalization due to an accident or illness.

4. Compensation for Study Interruption

If you need to stay for a longer time, then you may not continue your studies further. As a result of study interruption, you can miss out on some career opportunities. Health insurance for students takes care of this and offers financial assistance to deal with such an interruption. The same thing is applicable if a student needs to repeat his semester due to some serious illness or the death of a close family member.

5. Covers Mental Health

A student needs to handle a lot of pressure which may affect their health adversely. While considering this, many universities need health insurance for students that cater to all mental health expenses as well. That’s why student health insurance plans are covering the costs of various therapies and other related expenses.

6. Transportation Back to India 

If you are suffering from some serious illnesses and want to return to your motherland (India), the student insurance plan provides coverage for the transportation costs. The best health insurance plan also compensates for the travel costs for a person accompanying you based on requirement and necessity.

7. Cover Period for Treatment in India

Health insurance for students also provides a 30-day treatment cover after returning to India for treatment. These expenses include any continued treatment and other follow-ups recommended by your doctor.

8.  Sponsor Protection​

If your sponsor passes away, the student health insurance plan compensates for your tuition fees for the remaining years. This means you can complete your higher education and achieve your career goals without bothering your finances.

9. Financial Aid for Visits 

If you need to stay in a hospital for more than 7 days, and your parents require you to fly down to visit you, the health insurance plan offers coverage for the same. The best health insurance for students also compensates for your India tour cost to meet an ailing family member.

10. Cost Of Repatriation or Burial 

If the student passed away due to an unfortunate incident or illness, the health insurance will cover the costs of repatriation of the body. The plan offers the burial expenditures of the body that needs to be cremated in a foreign country.


Health insurance for students is imperative if you are planning for higher studies in foreign countries. This strengthens you financially and supports you to deal with all your medical and other health-related expenditures. Now, you can solely concentrate on your studies without worrying about finances. Health insurance is mandatory while pursuing your career abroad. Due to its plethora of advantages, it should be on your bucket list. 

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