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5 Top Investment Tips for College Students in India 2021 - IIFL Insurance
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Top 5 investment tips for College Students in India in 2021

Young age is the right stage for investments because it provides methods to make the best decisions. However, a majority of college students think that investments need more knowledge which is not valid. This is because early investments allow youngsters to manage their finances in the future with ease. Moreover, they can focus more on financial planning that will help overcome unwanted problems significantly. Since college students can think better, they should consider knowing the investment options from various sources.

Nowadays, different types of investment plans are available for college-goers, and they can utilize them properly. They can get ideas from financial experts or professionals that will help invest money according to needs. Investing small amounts of money allows college students to learn many things with ease. Not only that, they can focus more on investment planning that will help generate high profits and revenues. Youngsters can make use of their pocket money and stipends wisely for investment purposes that will help generate increased revenues.

5 Top Investment tips for college students in India 2021

College students should understand the difference between savings and investments that will help grow their money. While savings offer low returns, investments give ways to ensure high returns. However, it is imperative to know the investment tips before putting money in the markets.

  1. Going for low-risk investment options 
  2. Spending less money
  3. Knowing the low-risk investment options
  4. Doing a background research
  5. Calculating risks and margins in advance


1. Going for low-risk investment options 

College students should consider choosing low-risk investment options because they show ways to minimize losses and other problems. The stock market is full of uncertainties and risks that require proper guidance. Anyone who wants to get the best returns should go for long-term investments that will help gain more advantages—planning before stock investing gives ways to ensure a decent return. At the same time, youngsters should consult with highly qualified stockbrokers and professionals to learn the strategies in detail.

2. Spending less money

A majority of college students invest their money in various things, thinking they have a constant supply of cash. On the other hand, they should consider limiting their expenses effectively. It is wise for them to cut down unwanted costs to save money. They should prepare a list that contains the details of monthly expenses. This, in turn, gives methods to lower unwanted expenditure. Moreover, they can save money for investment purposes that will help reduce financial crunches in the future.

3. Knowing the low-risk investment options

College students should know the best investment plan with high returns from different sources. Besides that, they can ensure guaranteed returns with low risks. For example, a systematic investment plan (SIP) is one of the best ways to eliminate losses and other issues to a large extent. The best SIP plans for students make feasible ways to earn a consistent income. They even show methods to maximize the returns within a shorter period.

Similarly, students can open a recurring deposit (RD) in banks, and they can deposit money that helps to earn decent returns. The interest rate is high when compared to a savings account interest. Recurring deposits are ideal saving-cum-investment instruments allowing students to improve their cash flow. Students who study in colleges can invest an amount as small as Rs.1000 when they want to open a recurring deposit account.

The post office savings schemes are the best investment options for students because they come with an attractive interest rate. Schemes such as NSC, Kissan Vikas Patra, and Sukanya Samriddhi accounts will benefit college students in various ways.

Nowadays, insurance companies offer different types of products for investment purposes, and college students should evaluate them with more attention. The plans are suitable for those who are above 18 years old, and they can choose them based on their choices. For example, Unit Linked Insurance Plans (ULIP) allow students to explore the capital markets for investments.

Since they are well-managed by a professional, it is possible to reduce losses. As a result, students can get high returns from ULIPs, although the markets don’t perform well, which will help avoid potential risks. Mutual funds, fixed deposits, and bonds are some options that will work well for college students.

4. Doing a background research

College students should keep an eye on background research because it allows them to learn many strategies. Managing investment portfolios involve several challenges that need more attention. It is wise for them to check how a company performs in the markets and the sectors they want to invest in. Comparing the previous records and success of companies allows students to get an overview with ease. Furthermore, students can gain more ideas on the best investment options in India that will help earn high revenues. The investment plans provide ways to ensure financial gains with low risks.

5. Calculating risks and margins in advance

College goers should calculate risks and margins in advance when they want to meet exact needs in financial planning. The calculation is the key success to any investments that will help avoid potential risks. Multiple investment options allow college students to balance the equation. However, they shouldn’t get carried away after brief success. Learning more about investments will help a lot to get a steady income.

At the same time, they should watch the markets and monitor their accounts regularly to know the mistakes. Most stockbrokers will request students to invest more in the markets, which will result in an additional burden. The investment tips for students provide ways to select the best schemes from markets. Furthermore, they guide students to move in the right direction to avoid losses and other issues.

Investments may become a challenging one for college students due to the lack of ideas and inadequate knowledge. On the other hand, investment markets offer the best opportunities for them when they want to earn more money from a young age. Some of them involve zero risks, and stock investments involve specific risks. Therefore, they should start with low-risk options first and then switch to stock markets after learning strategies.

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