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12 Things to Consider Before Buying A Term Plan In India - IIFL Insurance
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Important tips for choosing the right Term Life Insurance

Life insurance is a necessity for individuals and families, enabling them to get rid of financial worries when unexpected events happen in their lives. However, policyholders should know the types of plans and their benefits before investing their money. Term insurance provides coverage for a specific period that helps to ensure high protection from potential threats. It is the simplest form of life insurance that gives ways to overcome the loss of income in case of death.

Let us take the case of Deepak Kumar, who works with a private firm. He is a smoker and wanted to buy a term plan for his family. As a result, he searched for the details online to buy a term plan. A few years later, his health condition deteriorated due to smoking and was admitted to a hospital. Doctors told that him that he has second-stage cancer symptoms. So, what will he do for treatment expenses? The term life insurance policy bought by him offered critical illness cover that helped cover the hospital bills, and his family got relief from the financial burden.

Having a term life plan provides financial assistance during various unfortunate incidents. However, buying a new policy involves several things, and one should be aware of them in detail to help accomplish goals to a large extent.

Top 12 things to follow before buying term life insurance plans

  1. Life stage & number of family members
  2. Choosing a policy based on the needs and not peer-based
  3. Higher settlement ratios
  4. Focusing more on rider benefits
  5. Comparing the costs and benefits
  6. Inflation
  7. Waiting period
  8. Calculating the premium coverage
  9. Tenure of a term plan
  10. Inclusions and exclusions
  11. Reviews
  12. Terms and Conditions

1. Life stage & number of family members

Most insurance firms offer low premiums for people who join a policy at a young age. However, the costs of premiums will increase for elderly persons, and they have to spend more money after choosing a plan. Therefore, it is wise to buy a policy at a young age, giving ways to lower the costs. Furthermore, a new policy buyer should determine their life stage while purchasing a plan from an insurance company. This is because the financial responsibilities are not the same after marriage or having kids. Therefore, one should choose a policy by keeping the future in mind.

2. Choosing a policy based on the needs and not peer-based

While buying a new policy, customers should choose coverage based on their needs and but not peer factors. A term policy should cover all benefits as well as have more options to gain more advantages. Putting all money in investments alone will result in troubles and don’t cater to the needs of a family in case of an accident or untimely death. Policyholders should always go for coverage that will balance the everyday bills of a family.

3. Higher settlement ratios

Insurance companies offer a wide range of plans for customers when they want to purchase a new one. On the other hand, a person should evaluate their settlement ratios in detail to help claim amounts without any difficulties. Companies with high settlement ratios offer the entire sum assured amount to a policyholder by addressing the essential needs.

4. Focusing more on rider benefits

Many insurance providers offer additional coverage for policyholders apart from the death benefit. However, they should know about them properly that will help make the right decision. Some of the advantages offered by rider coverage include accidental death, disability coverage, loss of income, waiver of premium plans, etc. Therefore, a policyholder should select rider options wisely after knowing complete details.

5. Comparing the costs and benefits

The costs and benefits of term plans may vary from one company to another company in a location. Hence, it is imperative to compare them online, which will help select the best one accordingly. In addition, some companies offer discounts on high sum assured plans allowing a policy buyer to save more money.

6. Inflation

Inflation is an essential factor to consider when buying a term plan from an insurance company. This is because most insurance companies may increase premium hikes by 5 to 10% every year, which results in additional expenses.

7. Waiting period

The insurance companies follow a waiting period for receiving amounts when a policyholder dies due to an accident and other factors. Therefore, a new policy buyer should know the waiting period of a company when choosing a plan to claim amounts as soon as possible.

8. Calculating the premium coverage

New policy buyers should calculate their premium coverage by adding liabilities and other fixed expenses to buy a term insurance plan. In addition, they must submit age, income, and further details online to determine the premiums accurately. Besides that, they should also consider liquid assets, future plans, and retirement corpus for a spouse when calculating premium amounts.

9. Tenure of a term plan

A policy buyer should know the tenure of term insurance plans after evaluating them. At the same time, they must make sure that they are neither short nor long, which will help to meet essential requirements. Another thing is that it lets a person pay a premium amount on time to avoid penalties and other problems.

10. Inclusions and exclusions

When purchasing a term plan, policyholders should know more about inclusions and exclusions in detail. This will help a lot to avoid additional expenses while making premium payments. Moreover, a policyholder can select a plan which exactly suits his income and other requirements based on them.

11. Reviews

Not all term life insurance plans are the same, and one should read reviews of multiple insurance providers in the markets with more attention. This, in turn, paves ways to get ideas quickly that help to select the right one.

12. Terms and Conditions

The policy buyers should read the terms and conditions of insurance plans which help avoid disputes and other problems in the claim process. Since terms and conditions may vary with a company, one should know them properly to ensure peace of mind from unwanted issues.

Everyone should protect the future of their loved ones from critical illness, accident disability, and death. And nothing can be better than a term insurance plan. The tips mentioned above are critical to remember while buying a term insurance plan. In addition, new policy buyers must consider while selecting the right plan depending on their needs.


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