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How to Change the Name of Your Insurance Policy Online
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How to Change the Name of Your Insurance Policy Online?

Buying a used two-wheeler may be a great idea, but there are a lot of things you have to be cautious about when doing so. Apart from scrutinizing the bike and ensuring it is a good one, you also need to focus on the documentation work as that matters a lot too. Take a look at this article to know more about how to change the owner names in bike insurance and also find out why it is so important to get it done.

How to change the name in Two-wheeler Insurance Policy

While it is the new owner of the bike who would need the policy in his name, it is also the duty of the seller to ensure the bike insurance policy is transferred. To change the name on the two wheeler insurance plan after the sale of a pre-used vehicle is:

  • Get the documents

Start off by getting the documents. The main documents needed to change the bike insurance plan ownership are:

  • RC Book of the vehicle
  • The policy documents
  • Forms 28, 29, and 30 from the RTO
  • NOC from the previous owner
  • Your KYC details
  • A passport photograph


  • Apply for the transfer

After you download Forms 2, 29 and 30 from the RTP website, fill them up duly and submit them along with the other documents. This is the primary step to initiate the bike insurance policy transfer.

  • Get the policy transferred

Then, your name change application will be scrutinized. There will also be an inspection of the vehicle and if any changes are found, the insurance premium will be adjusted accordingly. After that, the policy will be transferred to the name of the new owner.

It is very important to get the bike insurance plan transferred to be the new owner. Thankfully, the process on how to change name in bike insurance policy is very simple and straightforward. This is why you should not skip this step and get it done at the earliest.

Importance of a name change on a two wheeler insurance plan

There are some very important things that people are largely unaware of when it comes to the transfer of a bike insurance plan. Did you know that the name on the RC book of your vehicle and the name on the insurance policy should match? If you buy the bike in your spouse’s name, his/her name should also reflect on the bike insurance plan. If this is not the case, your bike insurance plan will stand invalid. You cannot make any claim on it. This is why you need to know how to change your name in an insurance policy.

However, it is important to have a working two wheeler insurance plan on which claims can be done. So transfer the name on the policy with care. Here are some reasons why the bike insurance cover is so crucial:

  • Covers your vehicle

Most importantly, a bike insurance plan covers your vehicle. Your bike may get damaged after an accident or a natural or manmade calamity such as a floor or a riot. Then, your bike may get completely damaged in a fire or get stolen. The bike insurance cover protects your vehicle from all such situations and pays out financial compensation if anything happens to the bike.

  • Covers you

As the rider, you also have a risk of getting injured or even dying, if there is a bike accident. This is why the bike insurance plan offers a personal accident cover to keep you safe while you ride your bike.

  • Covers third party liabilities

All the third party liabilities are also covered and this proves to be very handy. The policy pays out compensation for damage or injury to a third party or his vehicle and property.

As you know, having an active bike insurance cover and being able to make claims on it is very crucial. This is why you need to get the name change done with precision and clarity. 

Getting a good bike insurance cover

Now that you know how to change your name in a bike insurance policy, you should not delay in completing the process. If you are unhappy with the plan, you can always get it cancelled and get a new one at the time of the next renewal. When choosing a good bike insurance policy, you need to keep the following points in mind:

  • Comprehensive in nature

Look to get a comprehensive bike insurance plan. Since you have just purchased the bike, you will surely have it for a few years. This is why you need to cover it in a good and wholesome manner. The comprehensive plans come in handy here.

  • Select some riders

Remember to get a few riders along with the plan as that would help increase the scope of coverage. The common bike insurance riders include the engine protection rider, the zero depreciation rider and the roadside assistance rider.

  • Check the price

Always remember to compare and then buy bike insurance online. Only after you compare do you get to see the best prices. It is a good idea to find a policy that is comprehensive yet economical for you.

  • Ensure digital convenience 

And last but not the least, you should look to get a plan from an insurer that offers digital convenience. You should be able to renew your plan online, apply for a claim online, etc. Unless the website is good, do not opt for that insurance provider. Look around, read some reviews and find the best motor insurance company and get a plan from them.

Keep the above-mentioned guidelines in mind and you will surely have the best possible coverage for your bike for a long time.

To sum it up

A bike insurance plan is a very essential type of insurance cover that you need, irrespective of whether your bike is brand new or pre-used. You have seen how to change the owner’s name in bike insurance and just how simple the process is. So go ahead and get it done and ride your bike in a relaxed and happy manner.

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