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5 Easy Steps to Get Your Personal Car Insurance Online With Quote
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5 Easy Steps to Get Your Personal Car Insurance Online With Quote

Nowadays, you can easily buy car insurance online. Maintaining valid car insurance has become mandatory for every single vehicle plying in India, according to the current Motor Vehicles mandate. With just a few simple clicks on your mobile or laptop, you can purchase online insurance. Moreover, you can also get car insurance quotes on the digital platform. 

There are two basic types of car insurance popular in India:

  1. Third-party liability coverage:
    This type of car policy offers financial protection in case of loss or damage to the vehicle of the third party, because of your car. It does not offer any protection or coverage to your vehicle. This type of policy is the basic plan and is mandatory for each vehicle owner to maintain.
  2. Comprehensive plan:
    This type of policy offers protective coverage to your vehicle along with third-party coverage. This type of plan is comparatively more expensive. It comes with various types of rider facilities like engine protection cover, passenger accident cover, zero depreciation cover, vehicle replacement, ambulance, and medical expenses, rider rental reimbursement, etc.

Apart from these two plans, there is a third type called standalone own-damage coverage. This plan is just the reverse of the third-party plan. Here, the plan offers coverage to your car and does not offer any protection to the third party liability.

You can surf the internet to know the details of each type of plan offered by different companies. First, carefully do your research to know all the important relevant aspects and then proceed to buy a car insurance policy online. 

The entire process of buying a car plan online is very simple, hassle-free, fast, and requires minimal documentation. Moreover, you can even get insurance quotes instantly with just a few clicks, and plan your budget, knowing the exact premium amount. 

Five Simple Steps About how to buy a Car Plan Online

1. Properly assessing the personal requirement
You have to first assess what kind of plan will suffice your needs to the optimum. If you are driving an expensive and luxurious car, it is best you purchase a comprehensive plan with proper, befitting rider protection. Otherwise, a basic third-party cover is enough. 


2. Comparing different plans
Before settling for any particular plan, you must first carefully research as many plans as possible for better understanding. The more you study, the better you learn about all the important aspects. This will give you a clearer picture and make you do a better assessment of your requirements. Generate different insurance quotes instantly online and then weigh the pros and cons of each plan to zero down on the one you select.


3. Incorporating relevant add-ons
Add-ons or riders are additional benefits that the insurance company offers in comprehensive plans or standalone insurance. You require paying an extra charge to avail of such benefits. It enhances the scope of the basic plan. Some of the most popular riders include zero depreciation cover, engine protection coverage, roadside assistance coverage, consumables coverage, license loss coverage, EMI coverage, personal belongings coverage, tyre coverage, lifetime road tax coverage, lock and key coverage, registration certificate coverage, etc. 


4. Ascertain the right IDV
IDV stands for Insured Declared Value. You have to ensure that it remains comparable with the current market value. IDV depends on the age of your car. A six-month-old car will have an IDV of 5%, while a five or six-year-old vehicle will experience an IDV of 50% or higher. IDV is a major determinant in assessing the Own Damage premium value. In case of complete loss or damage to the concerned vehicle, the consumer experiences reimbursement from the insurance company based on the pre-fixed IDV. Before purchasing the plan, determine that the company evaluates competently and sets a plausible IDV.


5. Proceed to purchase the selected plan
After you are certain and clear about your requirements and the coverage limit of the plan you have selected, proceed to make the purchase. The procedure to buy an online car plan is simple, easy, and hassle-free. Visit the official website of the chosen insurance company, go to the relevant page, enter all the relevant details as asked, including your full name, address details, age, the registration details of your car, engine number, chassis number, model, make, RTO, seating capacity, fuel type, etc. All these factors determine the premium amount. But, make sure that there is no wrong information furnished anywhere during this entire course. It may lead to serious legal complications in the future. After all, these assessments are done, leading you to make the final payment, the final stage of the process.


Advantages of Buying Car Insurance Online

  • Getting quotes Instantly: The online portal will reveal the insurance quotes instantly. You will have to enter your vehicle’s registration details, its make, and model, along with your contact details to avail of this facility.
  • Fast and Simple: Online car plan purchase is comparatively much faster than buying conventionally through an agent. Do your research, select a plausible plan that suffices your purpose and proceed to make the payment.
  • Expert Advice: In case of any ambiguity, you can receive 24×7 customer service support to clear all your doubts regarding the plan or any other insurance matter. 
  • Zero Paperwork: Online car plan purchase requires no paperwork. You may need to upload certain documents while applying for any plan, depending on the requirements of the concerned insurance company. This has significantly eased out and quickened the entire process. 
  • Touchless: The online process is 100% human touch-free. This has become significantly relevant under the current pandemic situation.
  • Transparent: In the case of online plan purchases, there are no hidden costs. You have to pay the premium, depending on the plan you have chosen, and that completes it.

This is a comprehensive guide about the ways and advantages of availing of a car insurance plan online. But, consider all the important aspects like the plan coverage, IDV, NCB, riders, service benefits, etc., to enjoy a smooth ride

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