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Car Insurance Expired? How to Renew?

A car insurance plan is an important insurance policy that you need if you are a vehicle owner in India. It is compulsory for you to do so and also it is very wise to have a car cover. You also need to renew your plan on time so that it doesn’t expire and you can enjoy continuous coverage. However, if due to some reasons your car plan has expired and you want to know how to renew expired car insurance, take a look at this article as we have a detailed guide for you.

How to renew expired car insurance online

It is very important to renew your plan on time, but if you end up with an expired policy, then also you can get a renewal done. Here’s how to renew expired car insurance online:

  1. Assess the time-lapsed

First and foremost, you need to assess the time that has elapsed between the expiry of policy and the current day. If this period is under 90 days, you can easily go online and renew the plan without much difficulty.

  1. Compare

Just like you would do when you renew an active plan when getting expired car insurance renewal done also you need to compare. Never buy any new insurance cover without comparing the options. Only when you compare do you find the best plans at the best rates so never skip this very important step.

  1. Locate the best plan

After comparing and looking through the results, locate the ideal cover. Then, you can choose a good plan and get the expired car insurance renewal done instantly. The process is simple and hardly takes a few minutes to complete.

  1. Pay the premium

You can make the payment for the premium online. It is very safe to do so and helps you to quickly renew the plan after your car insurance expired.

  1. Get it renewed

Once all these steps are completed, your plan will be renewed and you will once again have an active car insurance plan that is so vital to have.

Has your car insurance expired completely? If you need to renew the plan after it has remained lapsed for 90 or more days, you may have to undergo a more complicated process. The insurer may ask for a fresh examination of the vehicle before they issue the policy again. Here are the steps to remember:

  • Pay a fine

If your car insurance expired completely and it has been over 90 days, you will have to pay a penalty to the insurance provider to have your coverage reinstated. Once you pay the fine, the plan will be renewed for you.

  • Opt for a reassessment

You have to agree to have your vehicle checked by your insurance provider. The value and condition of the car will be checked and you will be given a fresh insurance premium quote. In most cases, this rate will be higher than the rate you paid before your car insurance expired.

  • Pay the premium

You will then have to pay the premium to get the expired car insurance renewal done. The payment can be done online in a safe and secured manner.

  • Get the plan reinstated

Once these steps on how to renew expired car insurance are taken care of, your plan will be reinstated instantly and you will have a good insurance cover for your vehicle.

It is not impossible to get an expired car insurance renewal done. However, as you can see, the process is more complicated and unnecessarily expensive. Avoid this by renewing before car insurance expired.

Charges involved in the expired car insurance renewal

There are usually no charges involved if you renew soon after car insurance expired. However, if you wait for a longer period of time, which is more than 90 days, you may have to pay a penalty. The charge may differ from insurer to insurer. Also, the value of the car will be assessed and the depreciation charges will be applied afresh, which can lead to a hike in the car insurance premium.

Benefits of renewing car insurance on time

There are some very handy benefits you get when you renew your car insurance plan on time. They are:

  • Uninterrupted coverage

The first benefit you get is that the car insurance cover stays with you in an uninterrupted manner. You never know when there will be a need to make a claim and that is why you need the assurance of having continuous car insurance coverage at all times.

  • All claims can be made

Even if your car insurance expired one day ago and you meet with an accident the very next day, you cannot make a claim. This is another important reason why you should not delay and get the expired car insurance renewal done at the earliest.

  • No legal worries

If you have an expired car insurance plan, you can get into legal trouble. Learn how to renew expired car insurance and get it done to stay legally protected. Even if the police pull you up, you don’t have to worry about getting into serious legal trouble.

  • Economical

It is cheaper to renew your car insurance plan before it expires. Once it expires, the car insurance provider re-evaluates the vehicle and offers a fresh car insurance quote which is practically always higher than the existing quote. This apart, you also end up paying a late fee, which further makes your car insurance cover more expensive.

  • Protection of NCB

And last but not the least, you get to keep your accumulated no claim bonus protected when you renew your car insurance plan on time. If the oy stays lapsed for more than 90 days, most insurance providers take away the NCB and it gets reset to zero. This proves to be a financial setback and so you should avoid this from taking place by renewing your policy on time.  

These are the important reasons why you should renew your car insurance policy on time. From staying legally secured to having top pay less, there are many benefits to enjoy simply by renewing your car insurance cover before it passes the expiration date and lapses. 


It is very important for you to have an active car insurance plan if you are taking your vehicle out on the streets of India. This is why you should renew the policy on time. If it lapses, you can still get it renewed by following all the points mentioned above. You know how to renew expired car insurance so don’t delay the process any further.

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