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Allied Motor Insurance Policy : Know Features and Benefits
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What is Allied Motor Insurance? Is it beneficial for families?

There are various factors and components in which a motor insurance cover is sub-categorised. Among them, is the very important allied perils coverage. This is the cover available for allied perils such as fire, war damage, riot damage or damage to the vehicle due to natural calamities like a flood or an earthquake. Allied motor insurance is a very important component of your car insurance plan because it offers protection against some very dangerous conditions that can cause widespread damage to your vehicle.

Allied Motor Insurance Benefits

The allied motor insurance benefits include conditions such as damage caused by a fire or due to a riotous crowd. Even though you keep your vehicle safe and protected, certain conditions are beyond your control. Let us understand this by looking at the example of Ranjeet. 

Ranjeet had recently purchased his dream car – a sparkling red BMW X1. He lived in a very posh gated community where he owned his own bungalow. The car was safely parked in the closed garage, which was attached to the bungalow. The news forecast had predicted heavy rain, so Ravi parked his car inside and downed the shutters of the garage to ensure the car was safe. However, after incessant rain and storm for three consecutive days, the entire area was flooded and Ranjeet and his family had to be evacuated. When they returned home after a week, along with many of their belongings, the car was also badly damaged. Water seepage had caused significant damage to the mechanical parts as well as the interiors of the car. Thankfully, he could make a claim under the allied motor insurance coverage and get compensation for all the damages. Soon, his car was fixed and back on the road.

As you can see, certain conditions like fire, natural disasters, etc cannot be predicted, so you need to rely on the beneficial allied motor insurance cover to keep your precious vehicles safe.

Top 3 Reasons why you should get motor insurance policy

The allied motor insurance policy coverage is an obvious reason why you should invest in a good motor insurance plan. However, there are other benefits that you get and these prove that a motor insurance plan is a necessity. Here are some of the reasons why you should get a motor insurance policy:

  • Keeps your savings intact: Whether you have an expensive, luxury car like Ranjeet, or you have a small hatchback, you need to keep it covered under a motor insurance plan. Any damage to the car, especially allied perils damage, can cost a lot of money when you take it for repairs. In the absence of a good and comprehensive motor insurance plan, you will have to pay the bills out of your own pocket. This can make a heavy dent in your savings and you will end up feeling the pressure of the financial liability. However, in the presence of a motor insurance cover, all you have to do is make a claim and the bills will be settled by the insurer. This way, you can keep your hard-earned money safe and intact.
  • Keeps you safe: When you ride as a driver or a passenger in the car, there is a significant risk that you carry. Road accidents are not uncommon and often these accidents lead to severe consequences. A motor insurance plan offers a personal accident cover too which not only helps you with the medical bills following an accident, it always pays compensation to your nominees if you happen to die in the accident.
  • Protects third-party charges: The rules in India have made it compulsory for all vehicle owners to have a third-party insurance cover. When you have this cover, you keep the third parties around you secured. If your vehicle gets involved in an accident and that causes damage to a third party’s vehicle or property, or to the third party itself, you will be liable to pay for the damages. This is where the third-party component in motor insurance comes in handy. The insurer directly pays the third party and you are safe.


Therefore, keep the points mentioned above in mind and invest in a very good motor insurance plan that also offers the best allied motor insurance covers.

Choosing the best plan with comprehensive allied motor insurance benefits

When you choose your motor insurance cover, make sure you get a policy that offers a comprehensive set of allied perils covers. Here are some pointers to help you:

  • Do your research: Never be in a hurry when you buy motor insurance. Take your time and do some research. Ensure that the plan you choose has the allied motor insurance cover and other good covers too. Read the policy wordings carefully, go over the list of exclusions and then only make your final decision.
  • Compare: Then, you need to compare all the available options. Only when you compare do you discover the best and the most economical motor insurance plans. Thankfully, it is very easy to compare. The process can be done online, free of charge and in just a few minutes. So, compare the plans, find a good allied motor insurance policy coverage and keep your vehicle protected.
  • Check out reviews: And last but not the least, always remember to read the reviews of the motor insurance plans and the insurance companies too. When you check out the reviews and ratings, you get a fair idea about how the plan delivers and how beneficial the insurance provider is. These are important factors so don’t skip this step.


Follow these tips and it will become quite easy for you to have the best motor insurance plan with the best allied perils coverage.

To sum it up:

There are many benefits that your standard car insurance plan offers. The allied motor insurance coverage is one such key benefit. So go ahead and find a very good plan that offers the most extensive coverage. Then, you will be able to successfully keep your vehicle covered in a wholesome and well-rounded manner.

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