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What Are Mutual Funds – Everything You Need To Know

Abhishek Sharma was a 25-year-old small startup owner. A few years back, he started his company, and he used to handle his startup full time. He could not give much time to the share market, so he decided to invest in a Mutual Fund one day as mutual fund companies invest these funds in the stock market directly and give a return on their investment to their holders. Even when the Covid-19 pandemic hit the economy, and Abhishek startup was also not gaining much income, he could still make his earnings from different sources because previously he made a vice decision of investing his money in mutual fund schemes. 

What is a Mutual Fund?

Let’s first understand what is mutual funds! Mutual funds are a well-diversified, low-cost, and tax-advantaged option to grow your money. They’re an excellent option for individuals who don’t have the knowledge or experience to invest directly in stocks. , you invest in a mutual fund, and the investment manager, who is a mutual fund calculator, will select reserves that he believes will provide high returns.

What types of mutual funds are there?

There are numerous types of mutual funds to choose from. The following are some of the most common fund types:

Equity Fund 

Because equity funds typically invest in stocks, they are also known as stock funds. They support the money raised from various investors with a variety of backgrounds in various companies’ shares/stocks. The gains and losses connected with these funds are purely determined by how the invested shares perform in the stock market (price increases or decreases).

Debt Funds

These are funds that invest in debt instruments such as corporate debentures, government bonds, and other fixed-income securities. They are regarded as secure investments with predictable returns. These funds do not deduct tax at source; thus, if the investment earns more than Rs. 10,000, the investor is responsible for paying the tax.

Money Market Funds

Money Market Funds are mutual funds that invest in the stock market. The stock market is where investors buy and sell equities. Similarly, investors can put their money in the money market, often known as the capital market or cash market. The government manages it in collaboration with banks, financial institutions, and other businesses by issuing money market securities such as bonds, T-bills, dated securities, and certificates of deposit.

Balanced or Hybrid Funds

These are types of mutual funds that invest in a variety of assets. In some circumstances, the proportion of equity exceeds that of debt, whereas, in others, the reverse is happening. In this way, risk and reward are matched.

What are the Benefits of Investing in Mutual Funds?

If you’re new to mutual fund investing, let’s take a look at some of the major features that make mutual funds such a good choice for investors.

Diversification is provided through mutual funds

The greatest benefit of mutual funds may be diversification. The appeal of mutual funds is that you may buy one fund and instantly access hundreds of individual equities or bonds. Otherwise, you may have to acquire individual assets to diversify your portfolio, which exposes you to more potential volatility.


Transparency is a key feature of mutual funds. Mutual fund holdings are open to the public (with occasional reporting delays), ensuring investors get what they paid for. The underlying securities (stocks, bonds, cash, or a combination of these) that the mutual fund portfolio holds are also visible to investors.

Management Expertise

Many investors lack time to undertake research and make individual stock purchases. This is where professional management is quite beneficial. Several people invest in mutual funds because of the professional skills they give. 

Diversification of Risks

Risk diversification is one of the most significant benefits of mutual funds. By investing in various companies from several industries, mutual funds help investors diversify unsystematic risks. As a result, mutual fund risk is far lower than that of individual equities.

Super safe

The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) and the Association of Mutual Funds in India (AMFI) jointly regulate mutual funds (AMFI). Both of these institutions seek to safeguard mutual fund investors’ interests. To maintain the highest level of safety, mutual fund companies, fund managers, and investment counsellors are all closely managed and monitored.


How would an investor discover any modifications to the mutual fund, if any, that may occur?

A mutual fund's performance may fluctuate from time to time. Any major changes must be communicated to unitholders by mutual funds. Aside from that, several mutual funds send their investor's quarterly newsletters. Meanwhile, until the offer document is changed and reprinted, new investors are advised of major changes via an addition to the offer document.

What are the different types of mutual fund investments?

The different types of mutual fund are Equity Fund, Debt Fund, Money Market Fund, Balance or Hybrid Mutual Fund. If you want to take advantage of compounded gains over a lengthy investing period, you can invest in the growth option of mutual funds, or you can participate in the dividend option.

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