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Difference Between Recurring Deposit and SIP


Jay has recently sold one of his assets because he needed finance for his business. After investing in his business, he has some money with him. He was thinking about where to invest this money. He then asked one of his friends the difference between recurring deposit and sip, which invests in SIP and Recurring deposits. He asked him about the difference between RD and SIP. His friend advised him that to allow his money to grow, and he must invest in mutual funds and regular deposits. He can invest in these instruments to get good returns depending on his risk tolerance.

What is a Recurring Deposit?

A recurring deposit is made regularly. Many banks offer this service, allowing consumers to make regular deposits and earn excellent returns on their investments. An RD account is a banking or postal service account where a depositor makes a monthly deposit for a set amount of time, usually one to five years. This arrangement is for customers who want to put down a fixed sum each month in exchange for a payoff after a few years.

What is Systematic Investment Plan (SIP)?

A systematic method to investing, or SIP, is assigning a small predetermined sum of money for market investment at regular periods, usually every month. The SIP technique of stock and mutual fund investment is recommended because it enables users to participate in the market while reducing their risk. By removing the guessing game of market performance, SIPs can help you avoid market volatility. Regular investing guarantees that the average purchase cost is evened out in the long run.

Product Structure: SIP vs. RD

Recurring Deposit: The individual must first determine the duration and monthly deposit amount under a Recurring Deposit program. Once the plan begins, the investor must make monthly deposits for the plan’s term. In general, the tenure ranges from a minimum of 6 months, followed by an additional 3 months to a maximum of 10 years.

Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) Investing in mutual funds can create a SIP. A SIP requires the investor to invest a small amount each month or quarter, and the investment amount could be as low as Rs. 500. If users invest in a mutual fund scheme through a systematic investment plan (SIP), their money will be allocated to debt or equity, depending on the plan you choose.

Which is a better option: Recurring Deposit or SIP?

Following are the given factors on which one can decide the difference between sip and rd and which one is a better option for them:

Factors  Recurring Deposit (RD) Systematic Investment Plan (SIP)
Investment Scheme You must invest in a deposit plan that provides a set rate of return in an RD scheme. You can choose a flexible recurring deposit program

 if you want more freedom.

You can pick between debt and equity funds in a mutual fund SIP, depending on your risk tolerance.
Risk Factor Recurring Deposits are one of the safest forms of investment because they are not subject to risk. The SIP will give you a variety of outcomes. There may be a danger of capital and returns depending on the stock market. However, recent data shows that if held for an extended period, the SIP provides significant returns.
Investment Type A recurring deposit system requires the investor to make a monthly deposit of a set amount. A Systematic Investment Plan is a strategy for investing in mutual funds. Investing can be done daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly.
Returns A recurring deposit scheme’s return is also predetermined and known at the time of investment because the rate of interest is fixed. The returns from a mutual fund SIP are determined by the debt and equity markets, as well as the fund plan selected by the investor.
Liquidity Although a recurring deposit is liquid, it is subject to penalties if it is withdrawn or closed prematurely. When it comes to liquidity, a SIP outperforms an RD. The SIP can be terminated at any time, and the funds can be withdrawn without incurring any penalties.
Taxation The amount of a recurring deposit or the interest received on it is not tax-free. Only when SIP contributions and returns are made into Equity Linked Savings Scheme (ELSS) funds are they tax-free.
Installment Frequency Recurring Deposits are often paid in monthly installments. Daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and other installment plans are available with SIPs.
Investment Goals Recurring Deposits are typically used for short-term savings and do not contribute to long-term asset accumulation. SIPs can help with a variety of investment goals, both short and long-term, depending on the frequency of the contribution, the funds are chosen, and other considerations.


Investors should make investments to allow their money to grow and provide better returns while keeping the difference between sip and rd their risk tolerance in mind. SIPs enable individuals to invest a small amount on a weekly, monthly, or quarterly basis, as desired. The investment gives investors the option of selecting a debt or equity strategy based on their risk profile. RDs, on the other hand, must be invested every month and earn a predetermined rate of interest.


Is RD the same thing as SIP?

SIP and RD are two prominent long-term wealth-building strategies used by ordinary investors. SIP stands for systematic investment plan in mutual funds, while RD stands for recurring deposits in banks.

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