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Why Should You Opt for Children Health Insurance?

Arun’s child suddenly fell and was admitted to a hospital; while he was at the reception, he met a friend whose son was also admitted to the same hospital.

While discharging their kids, they had to pay the total fee. Arun noticed though their kids had similar problems and were given the same treatment. His friend paid a lot less than him.

Later, Arun discovered he had to pay the total amount because he did not have health insurance for his child while his friend had one, so he had to spend less.

What Is Health Insurance?

The insurance did cover the medical expenses that may arise due to an illness. The costs include hospital bills, medical bills, payment for the doctor, and any other fee that you may have to bear because of a disease. 

An insurance policy is the best investment that one can invest in: health, life, or any other insurance. 

The insurance is done for health, that is, if there is an emergency when it comes to health-related and a crisis of funds comes to rescue.

Why Is It Important for Children?

Children are one of the most delicate things created by god.

They have a weak immune system and can be prone to various diseases; also, they do not have a robust reflex system in their body, which can lead to many accidents while they are playing, crossing a road, or accidentally getting hit by something.

Also, kids are the first to get attacked whenever there is a disease outbreak, so we must do something beforehand to protect them from unseen illnesses.

Children are weak and futile, so as we give them extra protection at home and everywhere they go, we must protect their life by giving them health insurance.

Benefits of Health Insurance?

A child’s insurance covers a broader scope compared to adults.

Some of its benefits are:

  1. Concession: When a parent opts for child insurance alongside their insurance, a significant cut-off on the price is given, and plans are offered at a lower price.
  2. Wide coverage: While opting for child insurance, very few restrictions and obligations are implemented. Few things are also neglected. So it is indeed a wise choice to opt for child insurance. 
  3. Additional advantage: There are even more perks of opting for child insurance. There are absolutely zero charges for certain visits and consultancies. You get to attend free seminars and get in touch with international doctors. There is a chance of getting a free dietician or a nutritionist for your child.
  4. Free claim bonus: A normal insurance can get promoted to a premium one if it is not used during the issue period. Several additional advantages are added too.

Types of Health Insurance Available For Children

The best insurance that you can include your child in is the family floater health insurance.

In this insurance, parents, including themselves, can include up to 4 children.

In a family floater health plan, all the family members can take advantage of the plan and are not limited to one person. 

There is individual child health insurance provided by many companies too. In this case, all the money you invest directly goes to the name of your child, and no one else can take benefit from it.

It is always wiser to invest in family health insurance as it will guarantee coverage to all your family members with additional benefits as you keep adding members. And if anyone falls sick, then as it has no restriction or conditions or is limited to one person, others can benefit from it.


Investing in a child’s health insurance is something that most parents neglect. But to secure their future and save them from unforeseen conditions or illness, it is important to be prepared beforehand.

Also, be wise enough to take advantage of the other perks from it.


My child is fully fit and fine. Still, should I invest in health insurance?

Yes. Even though a child is perfectly fit, we do not know what the future holds. So it is wise to invest in child insurance as the future is unpredictable, and anything can happen. Being prepared from beforehand will be of no harm. Also, health insurance helps in protecting the life of your child.

Will opting for Child insurance cancel my insurance?

No. opting for child insurance does not cancel any other family member's insurance, and you can even get additional perks if you add them to your insurance plan. Parents can add up to 4 children to their insurance and get the benefit of additional perks.

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