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Radical Hysterectomy
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What Is Radical Hysterectomy: Know Procedure, Side Effects & Cost In India

In India, cervical cancer is another quotidian cancer among women. As per the study published by Annals of Global Health, India contributes to nearly one-fourth of cervical cancer deaths in the world. But astonishingly, you can treat cervical cancer at an early stage and radical hysterectomy is the utmost way to do it. In this article, we are going to discuss radical hysterectomy types, hysterectomy surgery costs in India, radical hysterectomy steps, and much more.

What is a Radical Hysterectomy?

Radical hysterectomy is an extensive surgical procedure where the expert surgeon removes your uterus, cervix, upper vagina, pelvic lymph nodes and the nearby tissues from the body. This surgery is performed to treat cervical cancers that chemotherapy or radiotherapy has failed to cure.

A radical hysterectomy can be divided into three types

  • Vaginal Hysterectomy
  • Abdominal Hysterectomy
  • Laparoscope-assisted Vaginal Hysterectomy


Sometimes, the doctor removes your ovaries along with fallopian tubes. This procedure may not be an integral part of radical hysterectomy.

Who can go for a radical hysterectomy?

The below-mentioned women are ideal for a radical hysterectomy:

  • Women who are having cancerous tumors in the uterus
  • Large fibroid
  • Chronic uterine infection
  • Endometriosis
  • Extensive menopause pain
  • Uterine prolapse
  • Menorrhagia or Chronic and excessive bleeding
  • Adenomyosis or thickening of the uterus


However, radical hysterectomy could be riskier for women who are having diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity.

Side Effects of Radical Hysterectomy

Let’s consider some of the side effects of radical hysterectomy:

  • Pink discharge (intermittent spotting for up to six weeks)
  • The waning of pelvic muscles and ligaments
  • Early menopause (if the ovaries need to remove)
  • Joint pain
  • Insomnia
  • Hot flashes


The Cost of Hysterectomy in India

How much does a radical hysterectomy cost? Let’s unearth it.

In India, the range of hysterectomy costs is between Rs 25,000 to Rs 3.8 lakh. Based on the patient’s condition, the type of radical hysterectomy, city, place, the number of days for hospitalization, and so on, the actual cost of hysterectomy depends.  

For your information, the cost of a laparoscopic hysterectomy is more than an abdominal hysterectomy. If you perform a radical hysterectomy in metro cities like Delhi, then it will be more expensive as compared to other non-metro cities in India.

Is Radical Hysterectomy Covered by Health Insurance in India?

Most health insurance plans in India offer coverage for radical hysterectomy. All health insurance plans embrace policyholders with the coverage of the surgical procedures of radical hysterectomy. These expenses are covered under health insurance for surgery plans. Health insurance policies that are designed for women also cover the costs for surgical procedures on a radical hysterectomy.

The most intriguing fact is all available health insurance policies offer coverage for radical hysterectomy for both malignant and benign tumors. But you will only receive the coverage if you get diagnosed with the condition by a deft healthcare specialist.

Health Insurance Coverage for Radical Hysterectomy

Most health insurance plans don’t offer coverage for radical hysterectomy up to the sum insured limits. The cost of the radical hysterectomy will be covered up to a certain limit as per the policy documents. While health insurance plans welcome the customers for up to 25% of the sum insured amount, other insurers will only provide up to 10% of the sum insured amount.

Many health insurance companies also mention the maximum payable amount for this surgery on the policy documents. For example, a health insurance plan only covers up to 25% of the sum insured amount, subject to a maximum of Rs 1 lakh for radical hysterectomy.

The Waiting Period for Radical Hysterectomy Coverage Under Health Insurance

Though your health insurance policy will offer you coverage for radical hysterectomy, you will not be eligible for this cover from day 1 of the policy. This coverage comes under a waiting period and after the completion of the waiting period, the insurer will bear the cost of the surgery.

Most health insurance policies offer radical hysterectomy coverage after a waiting period of 180 days to 2 years. Some insurers may cover the cost of malignant surgery only after a waiting period of 90 days.  But if you have a healthcare condition that needs a radical hysterectomy before purchasing a health insurance policy, then it will be treated as a pre-existing healthcare condition. In this case, the waiting period for pre-existing disease will be applicable. Most health policies cover pre-existing diseases after a waiting period of 2 to 4 years.


Radical hysterectomy is often considered to treat cervical cancer. Since this type of surgery can burn your pocket, hence purchasing a health insurance policy will give you an array of advantages. But check the waiting period before purchasing a health insurance plan so that you don’t need to pay a hefty amount from your pocket for a radical hysterectomy.


How long does it take to recover from a radical hysterectomy?

Depending on the type of surgery you have had, your body will resume normal activities. It may take 6-8 weeks to resume your daily activities. But if you did a laparoscopic hysterectomy, then it will only take 2 weeks.

Do you still have periods after a radical hysterectomy?

In a radical hysterectomy process, your uterus is removed. You will never conceive after the procedure and you will no longer have periods, irrespective of your age.

What fills the space after a hysterectomy?

Once a hysterectomy is performed, your other organs move to occupy the space. Your small and large intestines primarily fill the space which is once occupied by the uterus.

Can I drink coffee after a hysterectomy?

You can drink coffee as coffee consumption is well-accepted by the patients who have a hysterectomy. No side effects were reported.

What is the fastest way to recover from a hysterectomy?

A woman must follow the below-mentioned recommendations to heal her body quickly after a vaginal hysterectomy.

1. Take adequate rest
2. Follow a healthy and nutritious diet
3. Eat high-fiber foods
4. Discard smoking and alcohol
5. Must meet the follow-up appointments

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