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What is dengue health insurance
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What is Dengue Health Insurance?

Health disorders can strike at any time in a person’s life leading to significant financial losses. Everyone must protect himself/ herself from high medical costs related to overcoming health disorders. The recent COVID-19 pandemic is one such example, as many families faced troubles in managing their medical expenses.

Another example is dengue, which is a seasonal disease that occurs during the monsoon due to mosquitoes. While mild dengue symptoms are easy to treat, the severity of the disease needs long treatment for restoring the health conditions significantly.


In such cases, one should consider investing money in a health insurance plan because it helps to get coverage for dengue conditions. It allows people to protect themselves and their families from high medical expenditure caused by dengue. No matter whether you know the dengue medicine name in India or not, one thing is for sure that dengue requires high-quality treatment. So, buying health insurance would be a wise step for managing financial troubles. At the same time, one should evaluate the features of plans in detail before buying them. Moreover, it helps a lot to choose a dengue fever care plan which caters to the dengue medical requirements of a policyholder.

In This Post

What is Dengue Health Insurance?

What are the things covered in Dengue Health Insurance?

How to Buy a Dengue Health Insurance Plan?

When to use Dengue Health Insurance?

Exclusions of Dengue Health Insurance

Eligibility Criteria for Dengue Health Insurance

Where to Buy Dengue Health Insurance?

The Conclusion

What is Dengue Health Insurance?

Nowadays, various health insurance plans are available in the markets to satisfy the needs of customers. Dengue health insurance is one of them that provides coverage for treatment expenses. It is suitable for those who want to get financial stability against dengue-related medical bills to experience peace of mind. The insurance cover for dengue enables a person to focus more on the financial goals depending on his/her needs. Apart from that, it makes feasible ways to claim amounts for the treatment costs that will help experience peace of mind.

Also Read: Dengue: Symptoms, Preventions and Treatment Options

What are the things covered in Dengue Health Insurance?

things covered in Dengue Health Insurance


  • In-patient hospitalization charges such as room rent, ICU charges, etc.
  • The dengue insurance policy includes coverage for diagnostic charges during the hospitalization
  • Coverage for doctor consultation fees during pre-hospitalization and post-hospitalization
  • Pharmacy expenses for pre-and post-hospitalization
  • Coverage for outpatient department expenses (OPD) and home nursing
  • The dengue care plan provides a coverage amount of Rs.50,000 at low premiums


How to Buy a Dengue Health Insurance Plan?

Buying a new dengue health insurance policy involves several challenges and customers should follow certain tips for meeting the exact needs. Some of them include:

1. Premium amount 

Premium amount is the most important factor to consider while buying health insurance from the markets. Since several factors will influence the premium cost, a policy buyer should compare the policies offered by insurers online with more attention. Besides that, it allows policy buyers to make an informed decision while purchasing a plan.

2. Coverage 

Coverage is another thing to keep in mind because it allows a policyholder to claim the amount for the expenses as soon as possible. While buying a health insurance plan, customers should make sure that it offers coverage for dengue that will help them experience peace of mind from financial burden.

3. Claims

Customers should understand the claim process in detail before buying a dengue health insurance plan because it gives ways to receive the amount as soon as possible. Most insurers offer cashless claims and reimbursement claims for policyholders when they want to undergo treatment in a listed hospital.

In cashless claims, a policyholder has to inform an insurer about the hospitalization within 24 hours after the admission. An insurance company will directly contact a hospital as soon as possible and take care of the medical expenses incurred in the treatment. There is no need to spend a single rupee from your pocket under this claim.

dengue claim

A reimbursement claim works differently and policyholders should take care of the expenses themselves when it comes to medical treatment. They should submit an application form to an insurer along with the necessary documents to get approval. An insurer will reimburse the claims after checking the complete details.

When to use Dengue Health Insurance?

Dengue can lead to several symptoms such as severe fever, disorientation, low pulse rates, internal bleeding, vomiting, nausea, eye pains, body rash, fever, etc. Anyone who is having any one of the symptoms should visit a nearby hospital for the diagnosis process. Those who require medical treatment should consider using a dengue fever care plan which will help meet all the expenses with ease.

Exclusions of Dengue Health Insurance

A policy buyer should also know the exclusions of dengue care plan in detail before investing money. The first thing is that the plan doesn’t cover any treatment costs other than dengue. Besides that, it has a waiting period of 15 to 30 days. Another thing about the plan is that it doesn’t provide coverage for treatments taken outside India.

Eligibility Criteria for Dengue Health Insurance

The plan offers coverage for people aged between 91 days and 65 years. A policyholder can renew the dengue care plan after the duration period. For adults, the minimum age limit is 18 years and the maximum age is 25 years.

Where to Buy Dengue Health Insurance?

Several insurance companies offer dengue fever care plan for policy buyers and they can compare them online which will help proceed further. While buying a plan, customers should read the terms and conditions properly to avoid disputes and other unwanted issues.

Buy Dengue Health Insurance

The policy is designed only for individuals and not families. Therefore, one should consider knowing the eligibility before purchasing a plan. Buying the right type of insurance allows a policyholder to focus more on his/her goals in the treatment process. He/she should also know the details of listed hospitals that provide treatment for dengue fever.

The Conclusion

Dengue fever treatment can cost more in hospitals and managing the same may become difficult for many people. Buying a health insurance plan allows policyholders to get more protection from financial risks. On the other hand, it is wise to know more about the features and other things in detail before purchasing a policy. This will help a lot to ensure financial security to witness peace of mind. The insurance cover for dengue allows a policyholder to get coverage against high medical expenses in hospitals. It even makes ways to claim amounts for the medical costs as soon as possible.


1. What is Stage 3 dengue?

Stage 3 is also known as the Recovery Phase. This is the stage when the patient gets back his/her appetite and feels like eating something after many days. During this stage, the patient may feel a weak pulse rate and rashes on the arms and legs.

2. Is antibiotic given in dengue?

Since dengue is caused due to a virus-infected due to mosquito bite, there is no effective antibiotic against this fever. Dengue fever is usually treated using natural treatments and home remedies. However, in some cases when a patient is hospitalized for dengue fever, the doctor may prescribe an antibiotic like Chloramphenicol to treat bacterial infection.

3. Can we drink milk in dengue?

Yes, a person suffering from dengue may drink milk because the body needs protein during this fever. Milk and other dairy products can be consumed in moderate amounts during dengue.

4. Is dengue covered in Star health insurance?

Star health insurance provides coverage for all types of hospitalization expenses. If a person is admitted to the hospital for dengue treatment, then the expenses will be covered under this insurance. Moreover, if the treatment is given at home, even in that case, Star health insurance provides coverage for many diseases like dengue.

5. Does ICICI Lombard offer dengue insurance?

Yes, ICICI Lombard provides coverage for all the inpatient coverage for any vector-borne disease like chikungunya and dengue.

6. Is Pocari Sweat good for dengue patients?

Yes, POCARI SWEAT is considered good for dengue patients. POCARI SWEAT helps to prevent dehydration and therefore helps a dengue patient to recover by maturing the platelets levels smoothly.

7. Which is better Gatorade or POCARI SWEAT?

POCARI SWEAT carries approximately 6 teaspoons of sugar, while a pack of Gatorade carries approximately 9 teaspoons of sugar in it. Both are good for a dengue patient, but Gatorade is better than POCARI SWEAT as it has more sugar concentrate in it, which helps a dengue patient to recover better.

8. Can ORS increase platelets?

ORS or Oral Rehydration Solution is good for dengue patients as it helps to deal with dehydration issues. Dengue brings along weakness due to vomiting and high fever, which also leads to dehydration. Therefore, dengue patients are recommended to consume ORS to stay hydrated.

9. Why should we drink coconut water in Dengue?

Coconut water is loaded with vital nutrients and electrolytes. During dengue fever, a patient loses electrolytes due to vomiting and diarrhea. Therefore, drinking coconut water helps restore the minerals and electrolytes in the body of a dengue patient. It also helps to eliminate the feeling of nausea in a dengue patient.

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