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Is Hair Loss Treatment Covered Under Health Insurance
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Is Hair Loss Treatment Covered Under Health Insurance?

Kumaresh (33-years-old) works as a marketing manager in a private company. Since he needs to attend all the meetings with clients, he should be presentable and confident all the time. Over the past few months, Kumaresh has been suffering from hair loss. Initially, he ignored the condition and thought it would resolve automatically. He also purchased a few products but didn’t see any results. Now, the situation is quite worrisome. One of his friends suggests consulting with a doctor as he might need a hair transplant in India. The doctor also recommended him for hair transplantation to overcome his baldness.

Is Hair Loss Treatment Covered Under Health Insurance

But hair transplant price list is expensive in India. When enquired, Kumaresh came to know that his health insurance policy will not offer coverage for hair transplant treatment. So, what will Kumaresh do now? How can he manage his hair transplant treatment costs? But before that, let’s find out what is hair loss and the reasons behind it and also get an idea of how much hair transplant costs in India?

Hair loss

Hair loss or loss of hair is clinically known as Alopecia. The range of normal hair loss is from 80-100 hairs per day. The excess hair loss may lead to baldness. Indubitably, this baldness is a nightmare to many because it makes your familiar face look like an outsider. Hair loss not only tarnishes a person’s physical appearance but also diminishes one’s self-esteem.  According to the International Journal of Trichology, 58% of males (aged between 30-50 years) are suffering from hair loss problems. Though hair loss is a less common issue among females still, they are also contributing actively to the process of hair loss.

Hair loss

There are multifarious reasons for hair loss. Some popular reasons are:

  • Lack of nourishment
  • Inferior products for hair care
  • Prolonged use of certain medications
  • Inappropriate care of your hair
  • Genetic hair fall
  • Improper brushing of hair


Some medical conditions are also responsible for hair loss. Severe or abrupt weight loss, deficiencies of iron, protein, or vitamin D3, thyroid disease, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), and a spectrum of other health issues are responsible for hair loss.

Earlier, people have accepted this baldness, but nowadays, people are becoming conscious about their looks and appearance. These days, they are opting for various hair treatment methods to overcome this baldness.

Insurance for Hair Loss Treatment

Does health insurance cover hair loss treatment? Absolutely not. There is a common misconception among people that hair transplant is covered by various health insurance plans. But no health insurance plan offers this type of coverage. Any treatment procedure for alopecia is not covered by health insurance. People who are planning for hair loss treatment need to pay all the expenses from their pockets.

An insurance policy will never bear the costs of hair restoration, irrespective of the cause. A health insurance policy will help you to treat the conditions that are responsible for hair loss. No policy will treat hair loss itself. For example, if you are suffering from PCOD, your health insurance policy will help you in diagnosing and treating the disease. If your underlying medical condition gets improved after the diagnosis and treatment, then this may influence the hair to regenerate. If it doesn’t, then you need to bear all the expenses from your end. If you are suffering from androgenetic alopecia, no insurance policy will offer you coverage for the treatment.

What is the Cost of Hair Transplant in India?

Hair transplant treatment is quite expensive in India. By calculating the grafting method, you can get an idea regarding the costs of the treatment. Each graft possesses 1 to 3 hair follicles. The cost per graft is between Rs. 25-45 in India. So, the transplant cost depends on the number of grafts that a person needs for transplantation. Generally, 600 grafts to 4600 grafts are needed by a person (the exact number depends on the amount of hair loss) for hair transplantation. These charges are exorbitant as they are not covered by health insurance.

What is the Cost of Hair Transplant in India

So, the cost of a hair transplant is from several thousand to a few lakhs. This amount will certainly make a hole in your pocket. Though you don’t get any insurance coverage for your hair loss treatment, you can’t also compromise your appearance and personality.

Relief for Hair Loss Treatment

You may not get any health insurance coverage for your hair fall treatment, but there is a way that will make your hair loss treatment easier. Through EMIs, you can accomplish your hair loss treatment without stretching your financial condition. Several banks (HDFC and Bajaj Finserv) are offering credit cards to make easy EMIs for your hair loss treatment. You can opt for a consumer loan from a bank where you have an account in. Some banks are partnered with clinics or hospitals that offer you the exact costs of the treatment (without any hidden charges). The tenure period can be from 3/6/9/12/24/36 months as per your choice. This is the best alternative option for your hair treatment, as you don’t get any policy coverage.

The Conclusion

The above article gives you sufficient knowledge regarding what is hair loss, its treatment and how much does a hair transplant cost in India, and so on. Though hair loss may not trouble you physically, it certainly affects a person’s self-esteem and confidence. If you are associated with professions like entertainment, media, marketing, hospitality, etc. then you should be confident enough to deal with the situations as well as clients. So, go for the best hair loss treatment without worrying whether it will be covered by your policy or not. This is the time to shine and exaggerate your personality and look in front of the world. 

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