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Recovered from COVID-19: Remember to stay away from workouts for at least three months

Prashant is feeling lonely and depressed. Every morning, he started his daily routine by doing 100 push-ups and 100 deadlifts with 30 kg weight. But now, after recovering from COVID-19, he profoundly misses his workouts. Similar is the mental state of Mohan. Nevertheless, he also did work out every morning in his small balcony gym with 100 bench presses of 20 kg weight and 100 situps.  

These two are not the only gym and exercise enthusiasts whose daily exercise routine is disrupted by COVID-19. Doctors advise people who have recovered from this deadly disease not to do any physical activities or workouts or heavy weight lifting work. 

People who have overcome or have caught mild to severe levels of COVID-19 are advised to stay away from any activity that increases the heart rate and lung movements.

Have you ever wondered why?

The answer is simple, COVID-19 or Coronavirus stricks the lungs and other organs making them weak. Whenever physical activity takes place lungs, have to pump oxygen. They become weak and cannot function properly due to the COVID-19 infection and do not perform correctly. As a result, organs start failing, lung fibrosis and other severe complications might strike you.   

So, How do you get back to the Normal Routine?

Here are some simple steps you should follow to get back to your active and regular exercise routine in a phased manner:

  • Begin Slowly and Steadily

Once you have recovered or have mild to severe COVID-19 infection, it is best to start slowly. First things first, begin with only deep breathing exercises to improve lung functioning. This way, your oxygen levels will start improving, and you will start feeling more active and full of energy. Then, if you think you have enough energy, you can start going for walks, but remember not to strain yourself too much.   

  • Light Exercises and Workouts

The next step is to resume light workouts. Start with very mild and light exercises like brisk walking for about 1 to 4 km only, pranayam, breathing exercises for 15 to 30 minutes. Afterward, move to push-ups and muscle-building exercises for 10 minutes only and not above that.

Continue this exercise pattern for at least three months without fail. This way, you would be able to bring back your lungs & heart to their previous energy levels.  

Critical Focus Points before taking up Heavy Weight Lifting Exercises

Before moving on to weight lifting exercises, it is essential to:

  • Boost Immunity – Having a robust immune system is the best way to defeat COVID-19 complications. You have to continue boosting your immunity even after recovering from COVID-19. 

Inhale steam and continue doing deep breathing exercises. Don’t stop drinking immunity-boosting drinks or eating healthy foods. These items will help you reach your original energy levels.

  • Hydrating Yourself – Have at least ten glasses of water without fail every day. This way, you shall keep your heart healthy and help it improve its cardiovascular functions. It also allows joints and muscles to relax. 
  • Good Sleep – Having a minimum of 8 hrs sound sleep is also equally important. A good night’s sleep helps you recover faster, relax muscles and relieve you from undue stress. Being stress-free helps in faster recovery. Try doing relaxation exercises before going to sleep to have a good night’s sleep.    

Once you have overcome fatigue and other weaknesses, only then move on to heavy weight lifting exercises. Otherwise, you are inviting doom into your life once again. 

The entire world is still trying to figure out ways of tackling this disease effectively and overcoming it. It still seems a long and gradual process. Taking doctors, advice before taking up heavy exercises is a must for people who have recovered from COVID-19. Proper advice and guidance can help you avoid breathing problems, body fatigue, and chest discomfort while doing exercise.

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