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Covid-19 Vaccine: Do’S And Don’Ts Of The Vaccine

In light of this global pandemic that has devastated humankind regardless of their location, social status, and age, today we want to discuss the covid-19 vaccinations.

The novel coronavirus has plagued people all over the world. As it was a new virus, there were no precautionary measures or antidotes known to man for a long time. Hence, for a long time there, we were tormented by the unknown and faced a dangerous adversary with no protection.

At last, scientists across several countries have successfully procured vaccination that will assist humanity to fight this virus and all its effects as and when it comes. However, people are still reluctant to be inoculated due to the bewildering signs and symptoms, not to mention the side effects of the vaccine.

So, let us delve into it and discuss the dos and don’ts of the covid-19 vaccination. Being informed is the best way to deal with the mystical.

What are the things to do before and after the covid-19 vaccination?

In order to effectively deal with the covid-19 vaccination, without the paranoia and fear, follow these simple guidelines. When you know what precautions to take and safety measures to follow, you will never be caught off-guard.

  1. Know the side effects and plan in advance for them

Before you go for your vaccination, learn about the possible side effects. Different people experience different symptoms but they pretty much run along the same lines of the following:

  • Pain and swelling in the area where the vaccine was inserted in your body
  • Fever
  • Headache and slight body pain
  • Exhaustion
  • Muscle stiffness and pain
  • Chills
  • GI symptoms such as diarrhoea, nausea, and vomiting

If you notice any of these symptoms, stay calm. These side effects are short-term and will eventually pass. Keep in mind that whether you administer covid-19 vaccination for children, the elderly, or yourself, the side effects are to be expected.

This is due to the introduction of foreign bodies into your system. Your immune system and CNS are working hard to cope with the outsiders, therefore they raise your temperature and cause a little pain in various places.

Think back to when you received your polio vaccination. These side effects are quite natural and they will pass within 24 to 48 hours. However, if they prevail, then you should seek medical assistance at the earliest.

  1. Consult your doctor about any adverse effects of the vaccine with your current medications and illnesses

If you are ailing from any disease or disorder, or if you are undergoing medication, have a word with your regular physician. Ask them if the medicines or treatments you are currently taking will have any adverse effects when combined with the covid-19 vaccination.

If your doctor sees fit, they might advise you to either halt the current medication or wait to complete your treatment before acquiring the covid-19 vaccine. If you have an existing illness then they can suggest the type of vaccine you should opt for, in order to prevent severe side effects or allergic reactions.

It is best to consult a doctor who is familiar with your medical history.

  1. Always wear a mask or double and face shields

The vaccinations are usually offered in hospitals or volunteer camps. Therefore, keep in mind that you might come in contact with possibly infected people.

It is primitive that you use face masks, face shields, even gloves if possible. If you can effectively manage it, consider a PPE kit to protect yourself against potential threats.

  1. Keep track of the vaccination schedule

The covid-19 vaccination comes in several doses. After the first dose, you will have to wait 28 – 45 days based on the type of vaccine you receive. Following that, you will need to wait another 6 – 8 months for a third dose.

You must keep track of the schedule and consult with the available physician at the vaccination centre to determine when your next dose must be administered.

  1. Allow the inoculators to monitor you for 15 to 30 minutes

After checking your heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen levels, the inoculators will provide you with the immunization. However, it is highly possible to experience adverse effects after you acquire the dose.

We recommend sticking around for 15 to 30 minutes so they can monitor how well your body is adapting to the inoculation and if there are any serious reactions or side effects.

  1. Dress accordingly

Since the vaccination has to be administered at critical points, dress accordingly. You don’t necessarily need to wear short sleeves, but consider wearing one that you can easily pull up.

Also, prepare to not touch the area with exposed skin. Consider wearing gloves, slip them off, roll your sleeves, and slip them back on. This way, even if you touch something you are not supposed to, you won’t infect the vulnerable site of injection.

  1. Reschedule your appointment if you are exposed to the virus without notice

If you notice possible symptoms of covid-19 or test positive right before your appointment for vaccination, then reschedule.

Not only is it dangerous to step outside in your current state of vulnerability but you may also end up infecting other people at the centre.

  1. Make sure to use a valid mobile number to receive your certification of immunity

Lastly, always use a valid mobile number for your registration, be it on the apps or a walk-in appointment. The centre will share a certification of your inoculation, on the registered mobile number, which will be required for posterity.

What are the things you should not do in regards to the covid-19 vaccination?

It is also important to know what not to do when it comes to your covid-19 vaccination. So avoid the following measures before and after you are inoculated.

  1. Don’t be picky about your vaccination

Unless you have a medical condition that interferes with the dosage of a certain type of covid-19 vaccine, do not crib about what is available to you. Covishield has its benefits and so does Covaxin. The important thing is to be immunized against the novel coronavirus.

  1. Don’t share pictures of your immunity certificate on social media or otherwise

Don’t share your vaccination cards and certificates on social media or send soft and hard copies to people. Individuals are likely to use these as a means to make fraudulent claims of their own vaccination which will result in a new wave of attack by the virus.

  1. Don’t discard or lose your immunity record

As we have said before, the vaccination centre will share a certification of immunization. You must save the soft copy or print a hard copy and store it. Do not lose this immunity record under any circumstance. This proves that you have been immunized against covid-19 and are fit to return to school, work, etc. once the community has been vaccinated as well.

  1. Don’t self-medicate before and after the vaccination

If you are anxious before the vaccination or experiencing side effects after, do not opt for any over-the-counter medication. Consult a doctor or the physician at the centre. Most likely, they will advise you to take an oral dose of paracetamol in case of fever and body pain.

  1. Don’t cancel your appointment for vaccination unless it is an emergency

If you have an appointment to be inoculated, do not cancel unless you test positive for the virus or someone in your family does. It is important to receive your vaccine at the earliest.

  1. Don’t step out of the house immediately after inoculation

A lot of people become over-confident after receiving their second, sometimes even just the first dose of covid-19 immunization. However, bear in mind that the vaccine is only effective to a certain extent.

Your body needs time to create the antibodies and adapt to the new inclusions in your system. Therefore, you are more vulnerable at this stage. You should definitely stay indoors after your vaccination, at least for 3 to 5 days, unless there is a valid emergency.

  1. Don’t neglect precautionary measures just because you are vaccinated

The vaccination is 80 – 90% effective and only warrants that if you do contract the virus, you will recover with treatment. Therefore, do not take the vaccine as an invitation to ignore social distancing and precautionary norms such as wearing masks, sanitization, etc.

  1. Don’t disregard persisting side effects

If you have persistent side effects, consult a doctor immediately as it may be due to an adverse reaction to the vaccine. Wait for 48 hours and if the side effects do not pass, call your regular physician or consider video conferencing with a medical professional.


When you know what to expect before and after your covid-19 vaccination, you need not panic. Just take the precautionary measures and acquire the vaccination at the earliest. Avoid panicking at the sight of any side effects and follow the guidelines.

We are all together in this fight against the novel coronavirus.

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