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Best Health Insurance Policies In India For Deadliest Diseases
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05 Best Health Insurance Policies In India For Deadliest Diseases

Over the past few years, the healthcare system in India has improved manifolds. With the help of the latest medical care facilities, doctors are efficiently treating the most dangerous diseases like smallpox, polio, leprosy, etc. Healthcare experts and scientists have invented various medications and vaccines that have lessened mortality due to critical diseases. A plethora of statistics from the National Sample Survey Office indicates that India still has many deadlier diseases that affect 60% of its population. Some popular critical diseases lists are cardiovascular disorders, respiratory diseases, tuberculosis, malignant tumors, digestive disorders, and so on. The treatments of these diseases are quite expensive and they will certainly make a hole in your pocket.

Best Health Insurance Policies In India For Deadliest Diseases

People who are leading an unhealthy lifestyle are more prone to life-threatening diseases. They often suffer from ailments, infirmity, and even death. Due to an unpleasant lifestyle, you may get various lethal ailments like obesity, metabolic disorder, heart disease, high blood pressure, even cancer.

But these days, many health insurance policies are offering coverage for most critical diseases. These health insurance policies help bear the cost of a wide range of diseases by offering financial support to a person who is diagnosed with any of these conditions. The chances of hospitalization have also increased drastically, thus it is imperative for you to purchase critical illness insurance diseases policies that will help you to deal with the aforementioned deadly diseases.

Let’s take a look at some of the health insurance policies that offer coverage for critical care diseases.

05 Health Insurance Plans in India for Deadliest Diseases in 2022:

    1. Star Health Cardiac Cover
    2. Aegon Religare Health Assure Plan for Respiratory Diseases
    3. Bajaj Allianz Tuberculosis Insurance Cover
    4. HDFC Ergo Critical Illness Platinum Policy
    5. Aditya Birla Activ-Secure Cancer Plan


Listed below are some of the popular health insurance policies for the most dangerous diseases:

  • Star Health Cardiac Cover

This type of plan is specially designed for patients who are suffering from critical diseases due to cardiovascular disorders.

Some of its prominent features are:

  • This policy covers pre and post-hospitalization costs, ambulance expenses, and others
  • This policy offers financial support for nearly 405 daycare treatments including treatment for many diseases that are there in a critical diseases list
  •  The policy comes with two variants (Gold Plan and the Silver Plan)
  •  The sum insured amount for these two variants is Rs.3 lakh
  •  The policyholder can enjoy the benefit of a cashless facility under this policy at network hospitals. The insurance company is partnered with more than 6000 hospitals across India


  • Aegon Religare Health Assure Plan for Respiratory Diseases

This is one of the most holistic plans against critical and deadly respiratory diseases in India. This insurance plan is ideal for those who are looking for high policy coverage so that they can save their hard-earned savings.

Some features of the plans are:

  • This plan offers coverage against lung cancer, end-stage lung disease, chronic interstitial lung disease, and lung transplant as well.
  • The plans come with an impressive sum insured of Rs. 50 lakh and offers additional coverage of Rs. 3 lakh for associated critical illnesses.


  • Bajaj Allianz Tuberculosis Insurance Cover

It is a daunting task for policyholders to find out a standalone health insurance policy for tuberculosis.  The top insurance provider like Bajaj Allianz offers coverage for it.

Some of its features are:

  • The plan offers a coverage amount of Rs. 50,000.
  • The plan offers healthcare expenses including diagnosis, pre and post-hospitalization costs, consultation, and doctor’s fees.
  • The plan also offers coverage for daily room rent. Thus, this tuberculosis insurance is a comprehensive plan.
  • The plan comes with intriguing multiple payment options via electronic, online, or offline modes. A policyholder can easily pay his/her premiums for this plan without any hassle.


  • HDFC Ergo Critical Illness Platinum Policy

The HDFC Ergo Critical Illness Platinum Policy offers coverage for malignant tumors that result from cancer. This policy is ideally designed to deal with end-stage cancer. The policy plan also offers financial assistance for the treatment of benign tumors.

Some of its popular features are:

  • The policy offers you a hefty sum insured amount after the initial survival period of 30 days from the date of diagnosis
  •  This plan also offers coverage for 15 other critical illnesses.
  •  This policy encourages policyholders to overcome all types of healthcare odds
  •  This plan by HDFC offers policyholders treatment costs, a regular income, and also, helps them to pay off their debts.
  •  With holistic coverage, this policy strengthens you financially so that you don’t get burdened when treating your cancer treatment. You can solely focus on your recovery as the rest of things are taken care of by the policy.


  • Aditya Birla Activ-Secure Cancer Plan

This health insurance policy is typically designed for cancer patients.

Some salient features of this plan are:

  • The sum insured offered by this policy solely depends on the severity and progression of cancer. You will receive 50% of the total sum assured for diagnosis of early-stage cancer, 100% for major stage cancer, and 150% for advanced-stage cancer.
  • This policy offers a financial shield against various healthcare procedures required for battling cancer such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
  •  This long-term policy is advantageous for people who want to secure their life with a health insurance policy.  This policy lessens their spending on cancer treatment expenditures.
  • These are some popular health insurance policies in India for the deadliest diseases.


The Conclusion

Health insurance policies are the best way to secure your and your family’s health against various deadly diseases. During this deadly pandemic, health insurance policies have become mandatory for everyone. Many companies are also offering corona-specific insurance plans so that people can defeat this deadly virus comfortably.

Health Insurance

These days, many health insurers are offering policies that cover critical illnesses. So, you should prudently choose a plan that safeguards you against these critical diseases. For instance, if you suffer from critical liver disease, and if you are insured under an insurance plan for critical illness, you don’t have to worry about your finances.

Prevention is always better than cure. Thus, wisely choose a health policy that gives you the best protection against various diseases, including critical ailments. A quick tip here is to check the critical illness disease list covered under your chosen health policy and buy accordingly.

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