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Best Health Insurance Plans with Ambulance Cover in India
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Best Health Insurance Plans with Ambulance Cover in India

Health emergencies can grab you anytime without any intimation. The cost of healthcare emergencies is rising exorbitantly due to medical inflation and advanced treatment methods. Thus, it becomes explicitly necessary to purchase health insurance policies that come up with road or air ambulance charges for emergency evacuation. 

An ambulance cover could be either an emergency cover or a comprehensive cover. If you are having life-threatening diseases, then it covers ambulance services and transport. But in other cases, financial assistance is offered against ambulance expenses either in the emergency or non-emergency situations. 

Most Indian people don’t have adequate knowledge of whether their health insurance policies cover ambulance costs or not.  If the policies offer ambulance and air ambulance costs, then which policy you should opt for. Some health policies also don’t cover ambulance costs. When it comes to air ambulance services costs, there are some limitations and certain terms and conditions are also applied.

What is an Air Ambulance Cover?

Health insurance is the utmost way that will protect you mentally, physically, and financially during healthcare emergencies. If you get injured during traveling or you need emergency care or a disease that demands special treatment which is not available in your locality or health-care center, then air ambulance coverage will help you to deal with the situation. To avail of specific services, air travel is necessary for an emergency.

Air ambulances are specifically designed planes that evacuate patients in an emergency to ensure that they reach their destination safely and get the best treatment. Medical supplies and professional equipment including an ECG machine and ventilators are stockpiled on these planes. The prime objective of these planes is to shift patients from a remote location to a hospital which is equipped with specialized treatment and care.

Health Insurance with Ambulance Cover

Here is a list of best health insurance ambulance cover options:

1. ManipalCigna ProHealth Plan 

The plan offers comprehensive coverage of medical expenses for in-patient hospitalization. Some features are,

  • The premium for the plan is dependent on lifestyle, age, the sum insured, gender, geographical location, and medical condition. 
  • The plan has three variants and they are ProHealth Protect, ProHealth Plus/Preferred/Premier, and ProHealth Accumulate Large Cover.
  • The ambulance coverage is restricted for each plan. ProHealth Protect plan covers ambulance charges for up to Rs. 2,000 per hospitalization, ProHealth Plus covers ambulance expenses for up to Rs. 3,000 per hospitalization and the Preferred/Premier variant offers actual expenses for ambulance coverage
  • The sum insured amount is between Rs. 2.5 Lakh to 1 Crore
  • The plan also offers maternity expenses, AYUSH cover, daycare treatment, newborn baby expenses and first-year vaccination charges
  • The plan offers emergency worldwide coverage for up to the sum insured


2. Royal Sundaram Lifeline Plan

  • The plan comes up with variants (Classic, Supreme and Elite)
  • The Elite variant embraces the customers with the highest coverage for ambulance charges up to Rs. 10,000. Whereas, Classic and Supreme plans offer it for up to Rs. 3,000 and Rs. 5,000 respectively. 
  • The range of the sum insured amount is between Rs. 2 Lakh to Rs. 1.5 Crore 
  • The minimum entry age is 18 years, but no restriction on the maximum entry age  
  • The plan covers AYUSH treatment and vaccination due to animal bite
  • The plan also offers a 100% reload of the sum insured without any charges
  • No room rent capping and no disease-specific limits


3. Religare Care 

This comprehensive health insurance plan offers coverage for medical expenses due to any injury, accident or illness.

  • The plan has multifarious variants
  • The sum insured amount is between Rs.3 lakh to Rs. 6 Crore
  • The ambulance charges are covered for up to Rs. 3,000 per hospitalization depending upon the variant opted for.  
  • The minimum entry age is 91 days and no restriction on the maximum age
  • The plan offers global coverage for 12 critical illnesses
  • The plan comes up with various riders 


4. Apollo Munich Optima Restore Plan

  • This plan is available on an individual or family floater basis.
  • The plan offers coverage including your spouse, dependent children, parents, and parents-in-law.
  • This policy plan offers ambulance coverage up to Rs. 2,000 per hospitalization
  • The minimum entry age is 5 years and the maximum age is 65 years
  • The sum insured amount is between Rs. 3 lakh to Rs. 50 lakh
  • The plan offers emergency air ambulance costs in India
  • The plan also offers a daily cash allowance for those who have chosen shared accommodation


5. Star Family Health Optima Plan

  • This single policy plan offers coverage for your entire family
  •  The plan offers coverage for private ambulance service for up to Rs. 750 per hospitalization and an overall limit of Rs. 1,500 in each policy period.
  • The plan also covers air ambulance charges of up to 10% of the basic sum assured during the policy tenure period. But you can enjoy this facility under certain restrictions
  • Eligibility: 16 days old (for children), and 18 years for adults. The maximum age limit is 65 years.
  • The sum insure amount: Rs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 Lakh.
  • The policy plan offers coverage for up to 5 members
  • The plan offers restoration benefits and compensates for more than 400 daycare procedures


Benefits of a Health insurance Plan with an Air Ambulance Cover

Air ambulance cover is beneficial in reaching the patient on time to a healthcare facility even in the harsh weather. Read out why is it important to get an ambulance cover in a health insurance plan?

  • Easy Accessibility: This type of facility saves a lot of time. Road traveling could be a riskier affair for a patient. If the condition is critical and the patient demands immediate medical attention, air ambulance services are the best option.
  • Larger Capacity: Air ambulance is well equipped with all types of medical facilities and there is also a healthcare team inside the aircraft. Conventional ambulances have a limited amount of medical equipment and supplies and they can’t transport all your family members.
  • Well-equipped to treat serious patients: An air ambulance cabin is equipped with pressure, humidity, ambience control tools, and other healthcare equipment. An air ambulance service prevents further deterioration of the patient’s health.
  • Safe & Comfortable: Road transport could be long and inconvenient, especially if the condition of the patient is serious.  But an air ambulance service is hassle-free and offers ultimate comfort during the transit.



An ambulance cover or air ambulance cover is an imperative feature of a health insurance plan. An ambulance cost may burn your pocket if it is not covered by your health insurance policy. So, always purchase a policy that offers ambulance costs along with air ambulance charges in India to policyholders.

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