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Artificial Covid Test – All You Need to Know

Ever since the covid 19 pandemics broke out, researchers all over the world have been working meticulously to find the best solutions to this problem. Various cures, vaccines and novel ways of testing have been discovered. Among them, is the artificial covid test. It is an AI-enabled testing system that gives a highly accurate result in a very short span of time.

What is AI? 

AI, or artificial intelligence, is a branch of computer science where highly specialised machines are made to effectively carry out tasks. AI is used in various areas and now is being used to detect the coronavirus in people. 

What is an artificial covid test? 

An artificial covid test is a type of covid screening where the chest CT scan results of the patient are evaluated through an algorithm of programs. Consequently, a quick and accurate result is found. In some cases, even when the RT-PCR test showed a negative result, the AI covid test showed a positive result.

The concept of machine learning as well as artificial learning is new in India but it’s accuracy is predicted to be higher than the lab-based tests.

Benefits of an artificial covid test

Here are some of the best benefits you get when you opt for an AI-assisted covid diagnostic test:

  1. Perfect results

As mentioned above, the results are precise and accurate. This helps you to get the best results that are practically error-free. If a person has a low-grade infection, it may or may not get detected in a rapid antigen test or an RT-PCR test. However, the new-age AI covid tests will detect it with greater efficiency and give the doctors the opportunity to start treatment faster.

  1. Quick

The results come back at a quick pace. While the RT-PCR report may take 24-48 hours to reach you, the AI report may come in just a few hours. This is a huge advantage as often the waiting time results in the infection advancing in the patient’s body. When you get the result sooner, the treatment can also commence at a sooner time.

  1. Better chance at survival

All the above-mentioned factors can give the covid-affected person a better chance at recovery and survival. A lot of the covid deaths happen because there is a delay in the commencement of the treatment. However, with the quick results coming in via the AI tests, the person has a greater chance of recovering after his treatment starts soon. Speak to your doctor about the availability of artificial covid tests in your city and see if you can get one done too.

These are the main reasons why more and more medical practitioners around the world are now lauding the artificial covid tests and asking their peers to implement this mechanism for the correct diagnosis and treatment of the covid related complications in patients.

To sum it up

The world of technology has advanced a lot. The artificial covid tests are a step in that direction too. These tests help diagnose and treat the disease in a better and more effective manner, ensuring a better chance of complete recovery. There is still research going on in this area and we can hope that future advancements are soon available to us.

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