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A Detailed Guide on Family Health Insurance Plans
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A Detailed Guide on Family Health Insurance Plans in India

Family is one of the most precious parts of your life, as your life revolves around your family. So, this is your utmost duty to secure the healthcare needs of all members of your family. By purchasing the best mediclaim policy for your family, you can secure the health and happiness of your family members. These days many new diseases like the COVID-19 pandemic are coming into the picture. Moreover, healthcare expenditures and medical inflation are rising hurriedly with each passing day. In these scenarios, you should opt for the best family health insurance plans in India to secure your entire family.

What is Family Health Insurance

The best health insurance plan for a family offers coverage for your entire family under a single health insurance policy. Family insurance plans are all-inclusive medical insurance that safeguards your family against financial risks during an unanticipated healthcare contingency. As per your and your family’s healthcare requirements, you are free to customize the plan.

In this fast-paced world, a comprehensive family health insurance policy is inevitable to stay adequately covered for unpredicted medical emergencies and protect your savings. Under these kinds of plans, all insured family members are sufficiently covered for healthcare expenses like in-patient hospitalization, ambulance costs, daycare treatments, pre-and post-hospitalization, etc.

Why is it important to have a health insurance plan for the family?

As a responsible family member, it’s your top priority to keep all other members’ health safe and protected. Thus, a health insurance policy for a family plays an imperative role. Situations like pollution, pandemic, epidemic, inactive lifestyles, unhealthy food habits, and rising incidences of critical ailments have detrimental effects on people’s health. Moreover, increasing healthcare expenditures and exorbitant treatments in the country are making healthcare exigencies a financial emergency. By opting for the best family health insurance plans in India, you can protect and secure every family member.


Once you purchase the best mediclaim policy for your family, all your family members will be adequately covered under a single health plan. Thus, family insurance plans are the utmost solutions that will help you to deal with various health issues. These days, people are more prone to various health conditions like hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. Moreover, in many cases, this deadly COVID-19 pandemic is affecting all members of a family. Thus, a family floater policy is the best solution that offers a floating sum insured for all family members under a single premium.

The best time to purchase a Family Health Policy

Always try to purchase a family health policy in your thirties. For a family floater plan, the premium will be dependent on the age of the oldest family member. So, you may get the best offer if you purchase a family health policy as early as possible.

Suppose you are planning for marriage or starting a family. In that case, the family floater plan could be the best option for you as it will offer better coverage to all members at an affordable premium. If you are already covered with a health insurance policy, you can easily include your spouse or children under it. In addition, by opting for a maternity benefit rider, you may enhance the coverage during this crucial phase.


Benefits of Purchasing Health Insurance Plans for Family

Always try to ensure the health and well-being of your family members in the best possible way. Buying health insurance plans for the family is very important that you can’t shun at any cost. Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of buying family health insurance policies.

  • Get the best coverage for all dependent members: Under a family health plan, you can include your dependents, such as your parents, in-laws, children, etc. By paying additional premiums, you can secure their health against various diseases and emergencies.
  • Get protection against the COVID-19 for your entire family: This COVID-19 pandemic has destroyed everything. Everyone (irrespective of their age and income) is susceptible to this virus, and it has already claimed many lives. Many health insurance companies are offering Coronavirus protection like Corona Rakshak policy and Corona Kavach policy to their policyholders. These policy plans help your family to stay protected against a lethal pandemic like the COVID-19.
  • Get multifarious covers at a single premium: If you choose a family floater policy, all your family members will be covered with a single premium. Thus, you don’t need to spend a hefty amount on health insurance.
  • Get tax exemption on your insurance premiums: Under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act, you are eligible for tax exemption for all your paid premiums. So, by paying premiums for your family, you can enjoy tax benefits.
  • Get worry-free hospitalization: For a family floater plan, you are securing the health of your entire family by paying a single premium. In addition, most family floater plans offer facilities like cashless hospitalization, pre-and-post hospitalization expenses, doctor consultation, and ambulance cover. This means under any healthcare emergency; you will get the best treatment at network hospitals without hampering your savings.


How to choose the right family health insurance plan?

By weighing the needs of your family, you can choose the best family health insurance plan. Here are certain points that you should ponder while purchasing a family health policy.

  • Sum insured: You should carefully select the sum insured amount so that if one member utilizes a large part of the sum insured, the remaining amount will be sufficient for the rest of the members.
  • Risk factor: If you choose a person of higher age under your floater plan, your premium will be increased. Moreover, higher age group people will utilize most of the benefits of the policy. So, it would be a wise decision if you purchase separate health insurance policies for them.
  • Terms and conditions: Before committing a family health policy, always go through the terms and conditions of the policy so that you don’t need to face any claim rejection in the future.

If you want to ensure the entire family’s health without any hassle, then purchase the best family health insurance plans in India. A family health insurance policy uplifts the financial security of your family by offering adequate coverage to each member.

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